Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes – July 17, 2020
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
A Kiowa County Commissioner's Special Meeting was called to order on July 17, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. by Chairman Richard Scott.
Those in attendance were:
Richard Scott, Chairman Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Howard "Butch" Robertson, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Member of the Audience: Kayla Murdock, Member of the Sheriff’s Office
Shellie Englehardt, Emergency Manager
Audio Conference Attendee: Charlene Korrell, CEO of Weisbrod Hospital
Meagan Hillman, Public Health Director for Prowers/Kiowa County
A special meeting was held in regard to the "Protect Our Neighbor" Order which Governor Polis has put in place. Hillman reported that there are requirements the county must meet such as low disease transmission, testing capabilities and the hospital must the needs of a COVID patient care, which at this time Kiowa County is able to do.
Administrator Adamson reported that Sheriff Sheridan had posted on Facebook in regard to "Protect Our Neighbor" and that he will not enforce or mandate the order in regard to people wearing a mask in any business. Sheridan encourages people to be safe but says he does not have time to patrol all the businesses for those people who refuse to wear a mask. Business owners are to wear masks while dealing with the public but some of them say they will not support wearing a mask for themselves or their customers.
After lengthy discussion, Public Health Director, Hillman; said she has to enforce the things that are in place by the Governor's order. Hillman said the leaders that are involved need to get on the same page because this could possibly cause state funding to be cut in Kiowa County if we do not follow the order.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to have Public Health Director Hillman to put together a Protect Our Neighbor Plan and the BOCC will review it. Hillman will schedule a meeting next week and have everything in place for the BOCC.
With no other items to discuss, Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:17 p.m.