Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - April 25 2019
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioners regular meeting on April 25, 2019 was called to order by Chairman Richard Scott. Robertson opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Howard "Butch" Robertson, Commissioner Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Oswald moved Robertson seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Scott moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended with one following addition. Maintenance. Motion carried.
Grant Updates: SECOG Mini Grant: Oswald reported that the SECOG Mini Grant was approved for the picnic area for the fairgrounds. The purchase of picnic tables and shade sail were approved.
Dennis Pearson,Director of Social Services entered the meeting to discuss the Safety Plan he has in place with the Cheyenne County Department of Social Services. No action needed.
Pearson requested the BOCC approve Erica Bellamy for the Office Manager position in the Department of Social Services. Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve hiring Erica Bellamy. Motion carried.
Pearson discussed the possibility of hiring a case aide worker in place of the position of a Case Worker. After discussion the BOCC agreed that Pearson could advertise for a case aide worker. Pearson thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting.
Landfill Update/Cardboard and Plastic Baler: Scott discussed the purchase of a baler for the County. Scott had made an offer but had not received word if the owner would accept the bid. The commissioners discussed the electrical that will need to be completed before the baler will be installed. No action taken. The Haswell landfill closure construction is scheduled to begin in May so the landfill will close before the scheduled June 1 date.
Planning & Zoning/Plan Revision: Cindy McLoud, Belinda Zink (Zink & Associates) and Janet Richards entered the meeting at 09:45 a.m. to attend the phone conference call with Mark Rodman on tax credits the county could request for on the Murdock Project. After discussion and no action taken Richards and McLoud exited the meeting at 10:40 a.m.
Belinda Zinkreviewed the contract with the Kleinfelder a consulting company who would do the construction materials testing for the Murdock Project. The fee for this is $7,900.00 plus a per trip charge of $205.00. Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to sign the contract with Kleinfelder. Motion carried. Zink also presented the itemized bill from Latcon in the amount of $109,073.23. The change orders from Latcon were discussed and addressed. Some of the changes requested were increasing the size of the breaker box, wiring, asbestos and lead based testing, and changing the lock sets on the current doors. The elevator that is being installed will require one additional helical pier, and a sump pit has been dug and put in place for the elevator. These change orders are designated to the National Park Service portion of the building. Oswald moved to approve the change order for line items 3, 4, and 6 in the amount of $14,415,53. Motion carried. Zink exited the meeting at 10:45 a.m.
Jack Zenner,with Crossroads Agriculture entered the meeting to question if there were any regulations that would keep him from planting hemp in Kiowa County. The BOCC said there were none. His business associates will be planting near the Kiowa/Prowers County line. Commissioner Scott asked if Mr. Zenner would keep in contact with the BOCC and advise how the hemp production goes in Kiowa County. Zenner also reported that they are working to get rail line up and running in the near future and that would make it possible to transport the hemp to processing and market. Mr. Zenner thanked the BOCC for their time and exited the meeting.
Oswald moved and Scott seconded to motion to recess the regular meeting and move into the Public Hearing for Planning and Zoning at 11 :00 a.m. Motion carried. No public attended. There was discussion over residences on commercial property. The planning board would like to change the plan to make a residence a conditional use on commercial property not a permitted use. This will give opportunity for the Board of Planning & Zoning Board and BOCC make sure that plans are a good fit for the property. Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to close public hearing and move back into regular session at 11 :06 a.m. Motion carried.
Planning & Zoning/Plan Revision: Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to make the change on the Conditional Uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried.
Railroad Update:There will be a meeting on May 31st with CPR in regards to the railroad crossing signals.
Mike Crain,Maintenance Foreman, entered the meeting to present his resignation for retirement effective 06/21/2019. Crain thanked the BOCC for the opportunity to work for Kiowa County. The BOCC thanked him for his time and reiterated how nice the fairgrounds and courthouse has been. Crain exited the meeting at 11 :28 a.m.
Upcoming Meeting and Reports were reviewed and signed.
Uhland Building Permit:Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the building permit for Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Uhland in Sl2-Tl8-R49. Motion carried.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to recess for lunch at 11 :55 a.m. Motion carried. The regular meeting reconvened at 1 :00 p.m.
McCoy Oil & Gas Permit/Regulation Letter: A permit application for oil and gas exploration was reviewed. Scott moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the application for McCoy Oil & Gas. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the Permit/Regulation Application letter to state that there will be no additional regulations being placed. The County will go by the State regulations only. Motion carried.
County Signature Authorization: Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to approve signature authority for Howard Robertson at GN Bank. Motion carried.
CP&W Lake Clean Up IGA: Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to sign the agreement with Colorado Parks & Wildlife to share the cost of the lakes clean up. Motion carried.
Erika Chaves, Assistant to Senator Ken Buck, updated the commissioners on the bills and legislative activity that Senator Buck is involved with. She answered questions regarding the senator's opinion on illegal immigration and other topics that the commissioners were interested in. Broadband is a big focus in Congress. Erika exited the meeting 1 :54 p.m.
Ryan Sneller IT/TV Tower Consultantfor Kiowa County entered the meeting to discuss the power supply for the FOX transmitter. Sneller reported the input antenna took a big hit during the snow storm and had to be replaced. Sneller also reported the lights on the tower keep flipping the breaker. He has not found the solution to getting it fixed.
Sneller also said he would be back in the near future to discuss solar. He said this might be something the county would be interested in. Sneller exited the meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Jeanne Sorensenwith the Kiowa County Press entered the meeting at 2:30 p.m. to ask the Commissioners to review a flyer for a fair event. Commissioners agreed the wording was correct.
Road Foremen, Rick Spady and Allen Watts, entered the meeting at 2:40 p.m. to discuss various items. Spady had questioned the tree pit in Haswell. No action taken. Watts discussed the heating system in the shop in Sheridan Lake. Watts also discussed some of the tires that he has on hand at his shop. He will advertise for bids on these tires. The road foremen exited the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
The next regular commissioners meeting will be May 9, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
With no other business to discuss, Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:30. Motion carried.