Kiowa County Hospital District Board meeting minutes – November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022
The Kiowa County Hospital District Board met in regular session on November 29, 2022, at 6:34 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.
District Board members present were Pam Cole via zoom, Mary Eikner, Karl Eikenberg, Doug Uhland, and Matt Prince.
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Shaelynn Rouse, Cindy McLoud, Jeanette Filpi, Beth Bell via zoom, Benjamin Anderson via zoom, Essey Yirdaw via zoom, and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Matt Prince, Chairman of the Board at 6:34 pm.
Essey Yirdaw of the Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) provided the Board with orientation information on the migration dashboard tool developed by CHA. This tool can assist in helping the Board to make informed decisions regarding service offerings.
A motion was made by Doug Uhland to approve the October 25,2022 and November 15, 2022, minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
There was no public comment.
Rachel Bletzacker, NP was approved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Robert Johnston, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Dr. Clayton Vandergriff, Dr. John Wendel, Dr. Adam Kowalski, Dr. Matthew Lynn, Dr. Lisa Taylor, Dr. Arash Momeni, Dr. Perry Stevens, Dr. Sajal Pokharel, Dr. Keir Marshall, and Dr. Matthew Schmitz were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. Motion to approve as presented by Mary Eikner. Seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
Med Staff Bylaws Section 5.3 was amended to update the list of current providers that can perform medical screening examinations. Motion made by Mary Eikner and seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
The Board received a summary reflecting which department policies would be reviewed each month and their status.
We will be transitioning the training center back to the Hospital by the end of December 2022.
KCHD staff are looking at different options for our electronic medical records software. Two options that are still being explored are Cerner and Meditech. Epic will not be considered due to expense.
The performance improvement process is under review. The goal is to move towards an evaluation process with a focus on staff and department performance.
The Board received a written report from the CFO.
The October financials were reviewed and showed a loss for the month but a year-to-date profit. In October, days cash on hand was 243 and days in AR was 87.
As the duplex nears completion, the Board reviewed loan options. After discussion, Mary Eikner made a motion to move forward with the 60 month option through GN Bank. Motion was seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
The Board discussed a few investment options. This will be discussed further at a later meeting.
The Board discussed a few options for Christmas Bonuses for staff. A motion was made by Mary Eikner and seconded by Karl Eikenberg to give staff a $200 Eads Buck Bonus. All aye. The employee Christmas Party is scheduled for December 30 at the Community Building.
The Board dinner is scheduled to be held immediately after the Budget Hearing which is scheduled for December 13, 2022.
Another Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC) training will be held on December 7th and 8th. Several KCHD staff will be attending a wound care training later this month.
KCHD will be offering a CNA class in December with clinicals in January of 2023.
Staff are wearing masks effective today per our COVID policy as the transmission rate for Kiowa County is at high.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
There are currently 73 patients enrolled in the Chronic Care Management (CCM) program.
Staff are working to complete required competencies.
The housing project continues to progress. We do not have a completion date as of yet.
The Board received an updated version of the Budget. The Budget is very close to being final. There was discussion regarding several capital items including Accuvein, beds, new cabinets for the kitchen, server updates, and Omnicell. If there are any questions on the Budget, the Board is encouraged to visit with Shannon by the end of the week. The budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13.
There was no public comment.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 pm. Mary Eikner made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Pam Cole, Secretary-Treasurer