Kiowa County Hospital District board minutes minutes - January 24, 2023
January 24, 2023
The Kiowa County Hospital District Board met in regular session on January 24, 2023, at 6:35 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.
District Board members present were Pam Cole, Mary Eikner, Doug Uhland, and Matt Prince. Absent – Karl Eikenberg.
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Shaelynn Rouse, Cindy McLoud, Beth Bell, Rachel Bletzacker, Renay Crain, Betsy Barnett, Morgan King, Chris King, Abby Huff, Gloria Trosper, and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Matt Prince, Chairman of the Board at 6:35 pm.
A motion was made by Pam Cole to approve the November 29, 2022, December 13, 2022, and December 14, 2022 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Emily Rand, Dr. David Maurer, and Dr. Timothy Hsu were approved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Hari Reddy, Dr. Elizabeth Chorney, Dr. Scott Glasser, Dr. Christine Kassis, Dr. J David Gilliland, Dr. Vincent Herlihy, and Dr. Craig Shapiro were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Christopher Hartness and Rick Hammack, NP were approved for temporary privileges by Med Staff. Motion to approve as presented by Doug Uhland. Seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
Med Staff Bylaws Section 5.3 was amended to update the list of current providers that can perform medical screening examinations. Motion made by Doug Uhland and seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
The Board received a summary reflecting which department policies would be reviewed each month and their status. There were no updates as the policy committee did not meet last month.
The rates for extended care have been increased slightly after a review of facility expenses and benchmarking with other surrounding facilities. These rates will be evaluated on an annual basis.
KCHD staff continue to look at different options for our electronic medical records software. Two options that are still being explored are Cerner and Meditech. Cerner and Meditech are similarly priced in regards to the monthly fees but Meditech has a $200,000 set up fee. Staff will have an opportunity to view both programs and provide input specific to their department/role.
The implementation of Omnicell will be pushed back until a decision has been made on the electronic medical records software.
The lab chemistry analyzer needs to be replaced. The initial quote for the new analyzer was $209,000. After discussion, Pam Cole made a motion to approve the purchase of a new chemistry analyzer not to exceed $209,000. Motion was seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
KCHD is working on a grant request for the ambulance department. The request will include equipment and radios but will require a ten percent match from KCHD. Motion made by Doug Uhland to approve a match of up to $15,000 should the grant be funded. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.
Several radios are needed for the ambulance department. Mary Eikner made a motion to purchase the radios not to exceed $12,000. Doug Uhland seconded the motion. All aye.
The Board received a written report from the CFO.
The December financials were reviewed and showed a loss for the month but a year-to-date profit. In December, days cash on hand was 231 and days in AR was 82. The December financials will change after the financials are audited and adjusting entries are made.
Elizabeth Bell will be added as an authorized signer to the checking account for KCHD.
The Board will discuss CD options at a later meeting.
As budgeted, KCHD would like to purchase three beds and one mattress. The plan is to purchase a total of fifteen beds but do so in increments every few months. After discussion, Mary Eikner made a motion to purchase the three beds and mattress for $36,788. Motion seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
KCHD would also like to purchase an AccuVein which assists with IV insertion and blood draws. This item was included in the budget as well. Motion to purchase an AccuVein for $8,378 made by Mary Eikner. Motion seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
The annual Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) conference is scheduled for March 15th - 16th. The agenda has not been finalized but there are several offerings for Board members. The agenda will be sent out when received. Registration is due by February 24, 2023.
KCHD will offer a training on intubation in the upcoming months in partnership with UC Health.
Later this week, staff will participate in a training on Legionella water treatment and prevention.
Staff will conduct monthly rounds to identify any safety, infection control, or maintenance issues.
Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) reporting is due the end of January.
Staff had the opportunity to participate in a virtual training for our new quality program.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
There are currently 86 patients enrolled in the Chronic Care Management (CCM) program.
The exam tables have arrived so the clinic remodel should be complete soon.
There was discussion about patient volumes and tracking data to identify trends.
The duplex is scheduled to be completed in the next few weeks. The closing date is set for February 15, 2023 which will include a walk through inspection.
The Board received a meeting schedule for 2023. After discussion, it was decided that the meeting time will remain at 6:30 pm. KCHD posting places will remain the same – Hospital, Post Office, Courthouse outside the Clerk’s office, and the KCHD website. In addition, Facebook will be an optional posting location. Motion by Pam Cole and seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
KCHD will need three directors to serve a four-year term.
Pam Cole made a motion to approve the resolution to appoint Beth Spady as the Designated Election Official for the special district election scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2023 which we plan to conduct as a mail ballot election and may be cancelled if needed by the Designated Election Official. Motion was seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
The intergovernmental agreement between Kiowa County Hospital District and Kiowa County Commissioners for ambulance services in Kiowa County was reviewed. After discussion, Pam Cole made a motion to approve the agreement as presented. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
A motion was made by Pam Cole to go into executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(e). Doug Uhland seconded the motion. All aye.
Executive session convened at 8:00 pm and was returned to regular session at 8:34 pm.
There was no public comment.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Mary Eikner made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board Pam Cole, Secretary-Treasurer