Kiowa County Hospital District January 22, 2019 meeting minutes
BOARD MEETING January 22, 2019
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on January 22, 2019 at 6:36 p.m. at the Bransgrove Building Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Mary Eikner, Cathryn Anderson and Priscilla Waggoner. Absent: Sylvia Shields (called)
County Board members present were: Dennis Pearson, John Negley, Ken Flory and Craig Kerfoot.
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Char Korrell, Ellen Lane, Renay Crain, Weston Crow, Eunice Weber, Amy Miller, Karen Jones, Teresa Witte, Debi Jones, Elise Crockett and Tim Jones.
The meeting was called to order by Priscilla Waggoner, Chairman of the Board at 6:36 pm.
Dennis Pearson, Ken Flory and Craig Kerfoot.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the December minutes after the correction of a misspelled name. Motion seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
A motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to approve the agenda after adding ambulance year-end report. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
No one was present for public comment.
Dr. Ryan Johnson was approved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Bradford Robinson, Dr. John Roth, Dr. Sajal Pokharel, Dr. Elizabeth Chomey, Dr. Wayne Wenzel, Dr. Robert Johnston, and Dr. John McDonald were approved by Med Staff for courtesy privileges. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve all credentialing as presented above and it was seconded by Ken Flory. All aye.
After the survey, all policies were reviewed, and changes were made to adhere to survey requirements. All policies have been reviewed by the providers and approved by Med Staff. A motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to approve all policies as presented and seconded by Mary
Eikner. All aye. Dr. Lenderts said everyone did an amazing job and he was proud of everyone for their hard work. If anyone would like to read the entire policies, please let us know and we can get you a copy.
We had our State survey and we have been working diligently on our plan of correction. It has been submitted to the State for review and approval. All findings have been addressed by staff.
The needs assessment for the Hospital Transformation Program is due in March. The Public Health Assessment is also due in March, so we will be working together to complete this.
Trane came for their first HVAC maintenance visit. There are several things that need fixed and replaced. We may need to replace the whole unit. We will be meeting with them next week to find out the results of their inspection. If we do need to replace the whole system, we will begin looking for grants that will help with this expense.
Eastern Plains Consortium met today. Their goals for 2019 are staff sharing and supply sharing. There are now seven hospitals in the consortium.
Eunice and some EMT's were present for her annual report. She taught an EMT class last year with two students and they passed their state and national test. She will be teaching an emergency responder class to the fire district and anyone else interested. They will be having an EMT refresher course. There are four EMT's that need recertified. She continues to teach CPR classes throughout the community. EMS had 123 runs in 2018. They are shorthanded sometimes but are here for the community when needed. She is not applying for an ambulance grant this year. Jack Howard does most of the maintenance on the ambulances and does a good job. EMS uses the County Plan grant for education, communication, clinical care equipment and gurney inspections. They have some concerns with the current radios not working all of the time, so they are working with Kiowa and Bent County Emergency Management to fix this problem. Eunice stated that she has been the supervisor for 15 years.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to go into executive session to consider personnel matters pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(£)(1) and Craig Kerfoot seconded the motion. All aye.
Executive session convened at 7:11 pm and was returned to regular session at 8:08 pm.
The December financials were reviewed. These are unaudited and will have year end adjusting entries made after our audit. We had a profit this month, but an overall loss for the year. We will be working diligently to reduce our expenses for 2019. Days cash on hand 95, days in AR 94, operating margin 1%. Our long-term care census is down, we are accepting new patients at this time. Clinic visits have increased for 2018.
We have a few new forms of revenue for 2019. We have added another pharmacy to our 340B program. The chronic disease program is set up and running. We have 68 patients so far. We are beginning Medicare wellness visits. We are working on bio identical hormone therapy. This would be a self-pay procedure. These are new things we are trying that should increase our revenue and offer more patient care. We are also doing vasectomies in the clinic.
The provider and Gloria have met regarding the Health Fair and we will be putting some information together about the hormone therapy and for our chronic care program and wellness visits.
We need to replace our defibrillator. A new one with a five-year warranty costs $10,996.60. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to purchase the new defibrillator and Mary Eikner seconded it. All aye.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed by Renay Crain. We had three med errors. There were three falls with two injuries. Falls have decreased. We had two inpatients, one swing bed, 15 long term swing beds and 387 clinic visits.
We still plan to implement Avera eCare in March or April.
We need to fill the District Board vacancy. Priscilla Waggoner stated that Sylvia Shields, who is sick tonight, would like to nominate Dennis Pearson. Dennis accepted the position and was sworn in by Priscilla Waggoner, Chairman. We will notify the county that we have two open county positions. Confidentiality Statements were given to each board member to sign for 2019.
A meeting schedule was handed out for 2019. Posting places will remain the same - Hospital, Post Office, Courthouse and Clerk's Office.
The Ambulance and Hospital Agreements were discussed. No changes were made. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agreements and Craig Kerfoot seconded it. All aye.
Char stated that Colette Martin had an updated consultant agreement for us to sign. The company name has changed, and her fee is still $95.00 an hour. We would only pay this if we use her. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the consultant agreement and Craig Kerfoot seconded it. All aye.
Priscilla stressed the importance of communication to the Board. If there are questions or concerns regarding operations, please visit with administrative staff at KCHD.
Priscilla also thanked Char and Ellen and everyone else for their hard work on the plan of correction for the survey.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer