Kiowa County Hospital District Official Minutes - October 25, 2016
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on October 25, 2016 at 6:32 p.m. at the Bank Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Robert Woods, Priscilla Waggoner, Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields and Cathryn Anderson.
County Board members present were: Kim Harris, Craig Kerfoot and Lori Shalberg. Absent: Dennis Pearson (called) and John Negley
Others present: Tristen Sheridan, Wendy McDowell, Shannon Dixon, Kevin Siefkas, Braylynn Eder and Cassie Frey.
The meeting was called to order by Mary Eikner, Chairman of the Board.
COUNTY VOTING MEMBERS: Kerfoot, Shalberg and Harris
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the September minutes by Shields and Anderson seconded it. All aye.
AGENDA: Add Trane. A motion was made by Kerfoot to approve the Agenda as amended and it was seconded by Shields. All aye.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The September financials were reviewed. The AR is down some and we are continuing to work on this. Expenses were reviewed. The check register was reviewed.
PLANNING COMMITTEE: We will have a Board workshop on November 2, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Cobblestone Inn.
GRANT COMMITTEE: Construction will be continuing shortly. They had to make some adjustments with the different CT machine. They will need to move some lines and conduit. There should have been a disconnect panel included in the price of the CT, which is $7,900. Sheridan has talked to GE and this will be included in the quote they gave us at no extra cost. They are still planning on having the construction completed by the end of December. We will order the CT machine around the end of November. Once we are ready for the CT, it will take about four days to install. Waggoner said she talked to the USDA about several different types of grants that they offer. This might be a good resource for more funds. Sheridan is still working with DOLA on granting us more funds on our current grant. She has resubmitted everything with the new figures and is waiting to hear.
CLINIC REPORT: For the month of October, the Clinic has seen 252 patients. There were 136 ancillary referrals for outpatient visits at the Hospital. We are working on the policies and procedures. Dr. Lenderts reviewed ten charts and found one with some minor issues. There will be a clinic meeting tomorrow. Since Lacy is out on leave, they are working on keeping results up to date. We received $5,500 from the MORE program. We have completed one fluoride treatment. All complaints must match documentation.
Delineation for Dr. Santaguida and privileges for Dr. Derek Wright were presented. Dr. Wright is a locum that has offered to work for us. He comes highly recommended. We also have privileges for Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Pagel, who do our sleep studies. Shalberg made a motion to approve all privileges and delineation for all four doctors and Woods seconded it. All aye.
We have Fiscal Services/Billing/Payroll/Human Resources/Accounts Payable policies for review. Kerfoot made a motion to approve the polices as presented and Shields seconded it. All aye.
PROVIDER RECRUITMENT: We met with Dr. Brenda Walker-Connor on Monday. She is interested in working for our facility. She is from Colorado Springs and her and her family would like to move to a smaller area. She talked to Dr. Lenderts and met Dr. Feinsod. She has clinic and geriatric experience. She also would like to do more administrative work. She does have some ER experience also. We talked about her taking over the ECU care and using Dr. Feinsod as a consult. She was very agreeable with this and Dr. Feinsod even suggested it. She would not be available until school was out in May, but could possibly do some part-time work. We did get an email the next day and they would like to come visit as a family.
McDowell wanted to let everyone know what we are pleased with Dr. Feinsod and he does so much for us, but it would be nice to have our own physician who is here all the time overseeing the ECU.
We have a few CV’s for mid-levels. We did a phone interview on Friday and will be calling her again on Wednesday to see about setting up a visit. We have a couple others we will be calling.
We may have to change the way we use our providers, depending on who we hire and what is needed. Housing was discussed and may be an issue.
2017 BUDGET: We have made some major progress on the Budget. Hopefully we can get some providers hired and we can adjust some locum coverage from the budget. We will continue to work on it.
ECU & HOSPITAL REPORT: Dr. Feinsod was here this week. We had one fall no injuries and one med error. We did three psych reviews. He also did six resident exams.
Med Staff reviewed pharmacy outdates. Docs Who Care presented us with a check for $5,000 to update one of our apartments for them to use. Sheridan will be talking with them to see what they want done. All providers must complete the ER log for time spent. They reviewed the new nursing absentee policy.
The HCAPS report was reviewed. We had one patient interview. No complaints. We do this through a program with CRHC. Patient satisfaction is becoming a requirement for reimbursement.
We are signing up for a new program, Reach Out and Read. It is a program to help promote literacy. We would give a book to every child who comes in for a well exam. There are some grants that would help purchase the books.
EPHC is working on getting the five hospitals to review resources and how we can share them. Wendy, Kay and Dreama have had some phone calls regarding sharing staff and supplies.
We attended the CAH Workshop last week and the CAH Conference. It is always an informative conference.
ICE MACHINE: Our ice machine is having some issues and it is no longer serviceable. We have gotten some quotes. $2,100, $2,500 and $2,700. The $2,100 is from the company we currently use to repair the one we have. It is our recommendation. Kerfoot made a motion to approve the purchase of a new ice machine for $2,100 and Shalberg seconded it. All aye.
AMBULANCE LOT: We have someone interested in the lot beside the Ambulance Office. They gave us an offer for the empty part of the lot and they would possibly be interested in the building if we ever moved the office. It is assessed for $6,000. Discussion followed. It was decided that we would table discussion and get an appraisal.
TRANE: Our HVAC system has a computer program that maintenance uses to control it and to see any issues or trends in the system. It has not been updated for some time and has been moved to different computers and has lost a lot of its capabilities. Siefkas called Trane and they will come down and update the software. The initial visit would cost $1,397. Anything else will be additional costs. Woods made a motion to approve the visit from Trane for the update and Harris seconded it. All aye.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer