Kiowa County moves to Level Blue on the state COVID-19 dial Saturday morning
Kiowa County will move to Level Blue (caution) on Colorado’s COVID-19 coronavirus dial precaution system Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. according to information from Kiowa County Public Health.
Friday afternoon, only Hinsdale County in southwest Colorado was at blue, while most counties across the state are at Level Orange (high risk). Less than one week ago, Kiowa County moved to yellow (concern) from orange.
The state’s dial system reflects the spread of COVID-19 and the precautions to be taken at each level. Each of the state’s 64 counties receives a dial rating based upon local conditions.
At Level Blue, indoor events, including school spectator activities, can be held at 50 percent capacity or 175 people, whichever is fewer. Schools districts make the determination when to change capacity to reflect lower caution levels.
Outdoor events also move to 50 percent capacity or a maximum of 250 people.
Social distancing, good hygiene practices such as frequent hand washing, and staying home when ill, remain crucial steps to limit virus spread.
Thursday, Colorado Governor Jared Polis extended a face covering requirement for an additional 30 days. Masks or other covering must be worn in public places.