Kiowa County Public Health COVID-19 Weekly Update - January 19, 2022
- Cases 284
- Hospitalizations 11
- Deaths 4 **
*These are cumulative totals as of 01/18/2022 4pm **Deaths in people with a recent positive COVID Test.
- CASES PAST 7 days: 9 (0 vaccinated)
- CASES PAST 14 days: 16 (1 vaccinated)
Vaccinated means up to date (3 doses of Pfizer or Moderna or J&J with Pfizer, Moderna or J&J booster)
ALL hospitalizations and deaths in Kiowa County were in people who were not vaccinated.
This week’s percent positivity was 6.98 up from 4.00 percent last week. The goal is the remain below five percent.
- For outbreak information in Kiowa County see: https://covid19.colorado.gov/covid19-outbreak-data. It is updated on Wednesdays. KCPH will announce any outbreaks that put the public at increased risk.
- COVID VACCINE is available at the public health office for people age 5 and up! Please call 719-438-5782 to schedule your appointment. All 3 types of vaccine are available. Ask about the incentive program.
- All Coloradans 16 and older are now eligible for boosters.
- If you received Pfizer for your first two doses you should receive your booster dose as soon as 5 months after your second dose of vaccine
- If you received Moderna for your first two doses you should receive your booster dose as soon as 6 months after your second dose of vaccine
- If you received Johnson & Johnson for your initial dose, you should receive your booster dose as soon as two months after your first dose. Your booster should be Pfizer or Moderna.
Discuss treatments with your provider. Some of the Monoclonal Antibody products are not effective against omicron. Oral therapies are only available in very limited supply.
- The CDC shortened isolation after a positive COVID-19 test to 5 days as long as a well-fitting mask is worn for days 6-10 with return to normal activities thereafter.
- Stay in touch with your school for their most up to date policies. Children may resume school in most cases if they can wear a well-fitting mask to school for Days 6-10 of the isolation period.
If a family does not want to mask or child is still ill, a 10-day isolation will be recommended.
- Community testing is FREE! It will continue at least through February 2022. Call 438-5401 and ask for the lab. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911.
- The state’s testing program is backlogged. They still request that people sign up and they will send you tests as soon as they have them back in stock.
- If you would like to opt in to free at home testing please see: https://covid19.colorado.gov/covid-19-testing-at-home
- The Federal Government is offering FREE tests (4 per household) program. You can order the tests at: https://www.covidtests.gov/
FREE MASKS! - In support of the State of Colorado’s ongoing efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and assist in the mitigation of virus spread, the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) will offer KN95 and surgical grade masks for free at Kiowa County Public Library! Masks will be available after January 19, and are limited to 5 per person per month.
The state reactivated Crisis Standards of Care for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Emergency Medical Services are an essential part of the continuum of health care that often starts with a call to emergency dispatch (e.g., 9-1-1). The crisis standards for Emergency Medical Services provide guidance for call centers, dispatch centers, and emergency medical service agencies, and responders regarding how to:
- Interact with potentially infectious patients.
- Maximize care for multiple patients with limited staff and emergency vehicles.
- Determine what kind of treatment to provide, such as whether and where a patient should be transported for further care, if deemed necessary.
- Masks continue to be required on all public transportation.
- A reminder about isolation and quarantine: If you are quarantined or placed in isolation this means staying home and not going ANYWHERE other than the doctor if you need to be treated or tested. No one should come over. KCPH and PCPHE can assist you with coordination of prescription pick-up, activities to help the kids not go stir crazy or get delivery for your groceries, etc. PLEASE STAY HOME! This is an effective way of containing the spread of COVID-19. Please help us keep our community safe!
The most important thing you can do is continue to follow the guidance we have recommended from the beginning! Stay home if not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least 6 feet from others, especially if you are not vaccinated. Minimize gatherings.
Call 719-438-5782 or 719-336-8721 with questions. You can check https://covid19.colorado.gov for information or email pcphdirector@prowerscounty.net with any questions.