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Letter to the Editor – Boebert failing to represent Colorado

Richard Holtorf

My name is Richard Holtorf. As a candidate for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District (CD4) for 6 months, I’ve heard about three crucial topics from voters – border security, the 2nd Amendment, and the US role in the world.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert from Colorado’s third district (CD3) was not in Washington, DC for 3 important votes last week: 1) HR1210 condemning the Biden border crisis, 2) HR354 broadening law enforcement officers’ ability to carry concealed firearms, and 3) HR8369 ensuring prompt delivery of defense assistance to Israel.

Where was Congresswoman Boebert? She was in a courtroom, but she was not supporting her troubled son in his courtroom at Garfield County Court in Colorado. No. She was in New York City sitting in the audience at President Donald Trump’s court hearing.

Congresswoman Boebert abandoned CD3, again, to pursue her own TV time and publicity. President Trump has a capable legal team and loving family supporting him, he doesn’t need publicity-seekers using him for their own purposes. Colorado deserves a change from publicity-seeking, selfish politicians. I am that change.

In 5 years at the Colorado House, I only missed votes for family emergencies. I give everyone in CD4 my word that I will never abandon you or my mission. Unless there is a family emergency, I will be in Washington, DC representing you, especially for crucial issues like border security.

Congresswoman Boebert carpetbagged from the western slope to the plains hoping to find an easier race to keep her celebrity. CD4, don’t be fooled by her act or give her the chance to abandon you too. I am a proven selfless statesman, 29-year US Army combat veteran, and 5-year Colorado House Representative.

Richard Holtorf