Mountains in the distance at Horseshoe Park in Rocky Mountain National Park

Map and Compass Basics Course Offered

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The Rocky Mountain Conservancy’s Field Institute is offering an course titled “Orienteering for Beginners: Map & Compass Basics in RMNP”, which will be held May 19.

The half day course is designed for the recreational hiker who has little or no experience reading a topographic map or working with a compass. Participants will learn to read contour lines, recognize landforms, calculate percent and angle of slope, become familiar with compass components, compass bearings, correcting for magnetic declination, and more. 

Peggy Ellis is the instructor. Ellis spent 25 years with the U.S. Geological Survey. During the last nine years, she assisted with and then taught map, compass, and GPS classes. After retirement, she started her own business teaching these classes to the general public.

The course will include both indoor and outdoor components. Participants must be 16 or older to register. It is classified as a mild hike of short-distance walks throughout the day on primarily level terrain. Participants should remember to dress in warm layers with appropriate footwear.

For more information about the course, call 970-586-3262. Participants can also register online at

Advance registration is required.