New Colorado boards and commissions appointments announced
Advisory Committee to the Property Tax Administrator
The Advisory Committee reviews and approves or disapproves manuals, appraisal procedures, and instructions prepared and published by the property tax administrator.
for a term expiring September 1, 2026:
- Keith Alan Erffmeyer of Parker, Colorado, to serve as an assessor from a county with a population over 75,000 and as an Unaffiliated, reappointed.
Board of Landscape Architects
The Board of Landscape Architects is charged with the examination and licensing of landscape architects in the state.
for a term expiring August 4, 2025:
- Craig Coronoto of Littleton, Colorado, a licensed landscape architect with at least three years of experience in the practice of landscape architecture, and a resident of the state of Colorado, occasioned by the resignation of Xuemei Li of Westminster, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring August 4, 2026:
- Lesanne Dominguez of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, a licensed landscape architect with at least three years of experience in the practice of landscape architecture, and a resident of the state of Colorado, reappointed;
- Sandra Haynes of Denver, Colorado, not a licensed landscape architect nor practicing landscape architecture in any jurisdiction; does not have a current or prior significant personal or financial interest in the practice of landscape architecture; and a resident of the state of Colorado and a landscape contractor, reappointed.
Board of Marriage and Family Therapists
The Board of Marriage and Family Therapist Examiners adopts rules and regulations for the profession, conducts examinations, and grants or denies licenses.
for terms expiring August 12, 2026:
- Nicholas Mancini of Denver, Colorado to serve as a marriage and family therapist, reappointed;
- Betty Boyd of Lakewood, Colorado to serve as a public member, appointed;
- Gina Kretoski of Littleton, Colorado to serve as a public member, appointed.
Board of Trustees for the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
The Board advises and consults with the Commissioner of Education regarding the management of the school and the education of its students.
for terms expiring July 1, 2026:
- Ida Wilding of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Deaf community, appointed;
- Jessica Lee of Colorado Springs, appointed;
- Steve Lindauer of Castle Rock, Colorado, appointed;
- Allan G. Ward of Poncha Springs, Colorado, reappointed.
Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission
This Commission provides citizen input and expresses state concerns regarding the U.S. Army program for the disposal of chemical warfare agents and munitions at the Pueblo Army Depot.
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Frank “Jason” Castro of Pueblo, Colorado to serve as a representative of the local affected area of the Pueblo Depot Activity, occasioned by resignation of Robert John Jonardi of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed.
CollegeInvest Board of Directors
CollegeInvest is a not-for-profit division of the Colorado Department of Higher Education. CollegeInvest administers the state of Colorado’s 529 college savings programs and students studying in- and out-of-state.
for terms expiring July 31, 2026:
- David Andrew Simon of Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, reappointed;
- Kirk Mielenz of Littleton, Colorado, reappointed;
- Danielle Shoots of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Brain Injury Board
The Board shall review applications and award grants from the Colorado Brain Injury Trust Fund.
for terms expiring June 30, 2025:
- Jennifer Coker, PhD, of Littleton, Colorado, reappointed;
- Jason Kacmarski, PhD, of Denver, Colorado, reappointed;
- Angie Wickersham, of Fruita, Colorado, reappointed;
- Rebecca Wasil, of Pueblo, Colorado, appointed;
- Veronica Zarlingo of Whitewater, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board
The board advises the Governor on all aspects of historical records housed within the State of Colorado and develops state guidelines for historical records projects in accordance with the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
for terms expiring September 1, 2026:
- Shaun Kelli Boyd of Parker, Colorado, reappointed;
- Cecily North of Colorado City, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board
The Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board oversees the Colorado Student Leaders Institute. The Institute operates a competitive residential summer academic pilot program for students who are entering tenth or eleventh grade in the coming fall semester. Students attend four weeks of college level classes, lectures and seminars, as well as enrichment activities, including concerts and theatrical productions.
for terms expiring July 7, 2024:
- Cora Zaletel of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a person from the community who has interest or experience in education, appointed;
- Ronald Arguello of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as a person from the community who has interest or experience in education, reappointed;
- Kenneth Marquez of Alamosa, Colorado, to serve as a person employed as teaching faculty or administrator at institution of higher education in Colorado, reappointed;
- Kristin Mason, Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a person who is employed as an educator in high school in Colorado, reappointed.
Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
The Commission was formed to engage in an evidence-based analysis of the criminal justice system in Colorado and annually report to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court.
for a term expiring at the Pleasure of the Governor:
- Justin R. Hall of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as the Chairperson of the State Board of Parole, appointed.
Denver Metropolitan Major League Stadium District Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance of the District which owns Coors Field and has oversight of the lease to the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club and its operation of the ballpark.
for terms expiring August 1, 2026:
- Gregory Anton of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Damon O. Barry of Westminster, Colorado, reappointed;
- F. Robert Lee of Littleton, Colorado, reappointed;
- David Scott Martinez of Golden, Colorado, reappointed.
Environmental Justice Advisory Board
The Environmental Justice Advisory Board administers the environmental justice grant program, advises the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) on engaging with disproportionately impacted communities, and responds to policy questions referred by the Governor and CDPHE Executive Director.
for a term expiring October 31, 2025:
- Darci Martinez of Commerce City, Colorado, to serve as a person who is or has been a resident of a disproportionately impacted community, occasioned by the resignation of Philip Lopez of Commerce City, Colorado, appointed.
Global Talent Advisory Task Force
The Task Force studies the pathways for obtaining certain in-demand occupational licenses and international credentials to take advantage of the global pool of skilled workers in Colorado. It also shall provide policy and programmatic recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly to increase the ability of the state to harness the skills of new Americans, including through work-based learning opportunities.
for a term expiring at the Pleasure of the Governor:
- Misti Ruthven of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to serve a representative of the Office of the Governor, appointed.
Governor’s Commission on Community Service
The Commission shall recommend to the Governor a comprehensive national and community service plan for the state that is developed through an open and public process and updated annually. The plan shall address the state’s needs in the areas of school safety, preventing youth violence, literacy and mentoring or disadvantaged youth. The Commission also administers funds received from the Corporation on National and Community Service.
for a term expiring August 24, 2024:
- Kristine Borchers of Lake City, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local government, occasioned by the resignation of Mary Elizabeth Melton of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring August 24, 2025:
- Melissa Calhoon of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative with knowledge of community service, appointed;
- Alyssa Rizo of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of youth 16-25 who is a participant in a service program, appointed;
- Juan Pérez Sáez of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to serve as a representative of knowledge of community service, appointed;
- Angie McDowell of Greeley, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local labor organizations, reappointed.
Governor’s Expert Emergency Epidemic Response Committee
The Committee shall amend the state disaster plan that deals with the public health response to acts of bioterrorism, pandemic influenza and epidemics caused by infectious agents. The Committee shall also advise the Governor in the event of an emergency epidemic.
for a term expiring May 1, 2024:
- Mary Wood, DVM of Wellington, Colorado, to serve as a division of wildlife disease specialist, occasioned by the resignation of Michael W. Miller, DVM of Fort Collins, Colorado, appointed;
for a term expiring May 1, 2026:
- Ari Melmed, MD of Denver, Colorado, to serve as an emergency medicine physician, appointed.
Governor’s Revenue Estimating Advisory Committee
The Governor's Revenue Estimating Advisory Committee was created to assist the Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSBP) project the State’s annual revenue more effectively and support OSBP in providing the General Assembly with a revenue estimate for the fiscal year in September.
for a term expiring October 1, 2026:
- Ian Lange, PhD of Golden, Colorado, appointed.
Judicial Nominating Commissions
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that selects nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission
for terms expiring December 31, 2027:
- Kevin Mullin of Greeley, Colorado to serve as a non-attorney, an Unaffiliated, and a member of the Eighth Congressional District, appointed.
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council
The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council advises the Division of Criminal Justice and the Governor on matters pertaining to juvenile justice in Colorado. They also assist, review and approve the annual Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Plan.
for terms expiring July 31, 2026:
- Hannah Bish of Highlands Ranch, Colorado to serve as a youth representative, appointed;
- Rebekah Arnold of Boulder, Colorado to serve as a youth representative, appointed;
- Honorable Jamin Alabiso of Denver, Colorado to serve as a judicial representative, appointed;
- Nicole Miera of Lakewood, Colorado to serve as a representative of mental health treatments providers, appointed;
- Katie Hecker of Arvada, Colorado to serve as a Guardian Ad Litem, appointed.
Mental Health Advisory Board For Service Standards And Regulations
The Board is responsible for recommending standards and regulations for the programs of mental health services in any health care facility that has separate facilities for mental health care, or those health care facilities that have as their only purpose the treatment and care of mental illness.
for terms expiring July 1, 2025:
- Cassie Lee Damato, MA LPC of Fort Collins, Colorado to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, reappointed;
- Rana D. Shaner of Olathe, Colorado to serve as a consumer of mental health services, reappointed;
- Hal Mark Mandler of Littleton, Colorado to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, reappointed;
- Karen Rice, MD of Longmont, Colorado to serve as a professional psychiatrist, appointed;
- Michelle Muething of Carbondale, Colorado to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, appointed.
- James McLaughlin of Woodland Park, Colorado to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, appointed.
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board
The Board licenses and regulates motor vehicle dealers and salespersons. It also works to resolve consumer complaints about dealers, holds hearings and orders corrective action.
for a term expiring June 30, 2023:
- Seth Wong of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a member of the public, occasioned by the resignation of John Linton of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring June 30, 2025:
- David Guttenberg of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a licensed used motor vehicle dealer, appointed;
- Charla Berens of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a member of the public, reappointed.
Orphaned Wells Mitigation Enterprise Board
The Orphaned Wells Mitigation Enterprise imposes and collects mitigation fees, funds the plugging, reclaiming, and remediating of orphaned wells in the state, and ensuring that the costs associated with plugging, reclaiming, and remediating orphaned wells are borne by operators in the form of mitigation fees.
for a term expiring September 1, 2023:
- Kimberly Mendoza-Cooke of Evergreen, Colorado to serve as an individual with substantial experience in the oil and gas industry, appointed;
for a term expiring September 1, 2024:
- Lynn Baca of Brighton, Colorado to serve as a local government official from a jurisdiction that has oil and gas development, appointed;
for a term expiring September 1, 2025:
- Christopher Simmons of Denver, Colorado to serve as an individual with formal training or substantial experience in land reclamation projects, appointed;
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Jeffrey Robbins of Durango, Colorado to serve as the Chair of the Orphaned Wells Mitigation Enterprise Board, appointed.
Securities Board
The board aids and advises the securities commissioner in the promulgation of rules, issuance of orders, formulation of policies, the setting of fees and with other issues affecting the division of securities and securities regulation in the state.
for a term expiring on July 1, 2023:
- Elizabeth Karpinski Vonne of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a member at large, occasioned by the resignation Lawrence Reifurth of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, appointed;
for a term expiring on July 1, 2025:
- Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon of Brighton, Colorado, to serve as a certified public accountant, reappointed.
State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners
The State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners adopts rules and regulations for the profession, conducts examinations, and grants or denies licenses.
for a term expiring December 31, 2024:
- Anjali Jones of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a public member, occasioned by the resignation of Layne A. Steege of Aurora, Colorado, appointed.
State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners
The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners adopts rules and regulations, conducts examinations and grants or denies licenses.
for a term expiring August 31, 2024:
- Jennifer Luttman of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a licensed professional counselor, occasioned by the resignation of David E. Bell, MA, LPC, LAC, of Colorado
- Springs, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring August 31, 2026:
- MaryKay Jimenez of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the general public, reappointed;
- Kalli Likness of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a licensed professional counselor, appointed;
- Sue Noffsinger of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public, appointed.
State Rehabilitation Advisory Council
The State Rehabilitation Council advises State Rehabilitation Services on the provision of appropriate and quality services to its customers. A majority of its members must be persons with disabilities.
for a term expiring August 1, 2023:
- Shantelle Rockman of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of community rehabilitation program service providers, occasioned by the resignation of Susan Joan Richardson of Centennial, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring August 1, 2025:
- Sherrell Bethel of Colorado Springs, Colorado to serve as a representative of a parent training and information center for individuals with disabilities, reappointed;
- Katherine Oliver of Thornton, Colorado to serve as a representative of the advisory panel established under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, reappointed;
- Timothy Postlewaite of Northglenn, Colorado to serve as a representative of disability advocacy groups, reappointed;
- John Bailey of Denver, Colorado to serve as an at large representative, appointed;
- Josh Davies of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of business, industry, and labor, appointed;
- Angela Kyle of Mancos, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the federal section 121 program for tribal communities, appointed;
- Lloyd Lewis of Englewood, Colorado to serve as a representative of business, industry, and labor, appointed;
- Charlotte Morgan of Arvada, Colorado to serve as a representative of the Statewide Independent Living Council, appointed.
Uninsured Employer Board
The Board shall establish standards and criteria for payment of benefits from the fund; set minimum and maximum benefit rates; adjust claims subject to the approval of the director; disseminate information regarding the fund; investigate claims brought for benefits and to adjust, compromise, settle and pay covered claims to the extent permitted by statute and rule; and to determine the extent to which such settlements, releases, and orders may affect eligibility for benefits.
for a term expiring September 1, 2025:
- Roger Allen Hays of Aurora, Colorado to serve as a representative of employers, reappointed.
Utility Consumers Board
The Board provides guidance on policy matters and annually evaluates the performance of the Office of Consumer Council. The OCC’s charter is to advocate on behalf of residential, small business, and agricultural consumers in energy matters before the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and other courts.
for a term expiring July 1, 2026:
- Susan McFaddin of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Eighth Congressional District, appointed;
- Terry Hart of Pueblo, Colorado to serve as a representative of the Third Congressional District, appointed.