Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing - Estate of Arthur A. Blooding
PURSUANT TO § 15-12-1303, C.R.S.
In the Matter of the Determination of Heirs or Devisees or Both and of Interests in Property of:
ARTHUR A. BLOODING, a/k/a Arthur Blooding,
Case Number: 2022PR030003
To all interested persons and owners by descent or succession (List all names of interested persons and owners by descent or succession):
Estate of Gloria Blooding
Micki Faulkin
Areta Laird
Shaleta Voss
Mary Eikner
Sylvia Weeks
A petition has been filed alleging that the above decedent(s) died leaving the following property (including legal description if real property):
All interest in:
The South Four Feet (S 4') of Lot Eight (8) and all of Lot Nine (9), in Block Thirty-nine (39), Original Town of Eads
Also known as 1304 Luther Street, Eads, CO 81036, and assessor’s account number R111110309
Kiowa County, Colorado
A hearing without appearance on the petition is set at the following date, time, and location:
Date: March 9, 2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Courtroom or Division: PR
Address: 1305 Goff Street, Eads, CO 81625
Any interested person wishing to object to the requested action set forth in the Petition and proposed Order must file a written objection with the Court on or before the hearing and must furnish a copy of the objection to the person requesting the court order. JDF 722 (Objection form) is available on the Colorado Judicial Branch website (www.courts.state.co.us). If no objection is filed, the Court may take action on the Petition without further notice or hearing. If any objection is filed, the objecting party must, within 14 days after filing the objection, set the objection for an appearance hearing. Failure to timely set the objection for an appearance hearing as required shall result in the dismissal of the objection with prejudice without further hearing.
- You must answer the petition on or before the hearing date and time specified above.
- Within the time required for answering the petition, all objections to the petition must be in writing, filed with the court and served on the petitioner and any required filing fee must be paid.
- The hearing shall be limited to the petition, the objections timely filed and the parties answering the petition in a timely manner. If the petition is not answered and no objections are filed, the court may enter a decree without a hearing.
Jenna H. Keller, Esq., #38242
Keller Law, LLC
584 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625
Telephone/Fax: (877) 529-2125
First Published January 14, 2022
Last Published January 28, 2022
In the Kiowa County Press