
Pages from the Past - From the 137-year history of the Kiowa County Press - February 18, 2024
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago - February 13, 2009
- USDA Update- Rod Johnson: Rain! Finally! After three months of very limited precipitation, most of the county received much needed moisture.
25 Years Ago - February12, 1999
- Your library loves you again! Amnesty week to return your overdue material and your fines will be forgiven.
40 Years Ago - February 17, 1984
- Gary Crow was elected president of the Eads Chamber of Commerce. Tom Davis vice president, and Dora Lu Gulley as secretary-treasurer.
- Four Plainview students, Mary Budde, Jay McFarlene, Craig Scott, and Philip Splitter, are members of the Arkansas Valley High School Honor Band.
- Representative of KCNC Channel 4 in Denver conducted an interview with Kiowa County pioneer Mrs. Rhua Sloan, for a special on pioneer women to be aired the last of February
50 Years Ago - February 15, 1974
- Mrs. Ora Brooks has consented to teach quilting lesson in Eads for the Extension Service.
75 Years Ago - February 13, 1949
- Don Weber of Sheridan Lake placed high man out of 28 judges at the first judging contest held at Arlington.