Pages from the Past - From our 131-year Archives
15 Years Ago
August 1, 2003
· Rod Johnson, Kiowa County Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service, recently was honored with the National Distinguished Service Award
· Eads Volunteer Fire Department is one of 450 recipients in the seventh round of the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.
· Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: They are showing a lot of grasshoppers on TV & we sure don’t need those. I remember them years ago going down the cow trails 2 &3 deep and covering the fence posts and poles
25 Years Ago
August 4, 1993
· The Press received a call from an Eads resident who said a car with 2 men came to her house. One stayed in the car while the other one went to her door and ask if she wanted trees cut down. The problem was there are no trees anywhere in her yard.
40 Years Ago
August 4, 1978
· A group of about 11 persons met at the Weisbrod Hospital Meeting Room to discuss organizing a hospital/nursing home auxiliary to provide volunteer services to those facilities whenever needed.
50 Years Ago
August 2, 1968
· Good crowd is expected to be in the court room to hear proceedings relative to the hearing of arguments from local business and other patrons of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. The railroad proposes to close the depot and agency in Eads.
75 Years Ago
July 30, 1943
· Basil Buck, farmer residing in Prairie Queen community, suffered considerable damage from a hail storm that lasted about an hour. A twister west of town did considerable damage when it lashed the C.E. Oquist premises, killing several chickens when it tore down their newly constructed chicken house.
100 Years Ago
August 2, 1918
· Bert Wilcox is building a bridge across the outlet to the Ne-No-She reservoir.
· Contractor J.E. Snedecor is doing the finishing work on the F.L. Pyles bungalow and expect to have it completed in about three weeks