
Pages from the Past - From our 133-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
May 27, 2005
- The Colorado Department of Transportation is expected to enter a lease-to-purchase agreement with V&S Railway, Inc of Salt Lake City for the NA Towner Railroad Line
- West End Wavelength –Michelle Wyckoff: Hurrah! Progress is being made in cleaning up Mother Nature’s mess of tumbleweeds. Members of the West Kiowa County Cemetery Board of Trustees and Haswell Volunteer Fire Department brought the brush truck and small tank truck the Arlington Cemetery.
- Allard, Musgrave introduce Arkansas Valley Conduit Bill.
25 Years Ago
May 26, 1995
- Graduating seniors this year: Plainview - 3, Kit Carson – 8, and Eads – 25.
- Wild Horse Roundup –Curtis Schrimp: A hailstorm went south of Kit Carson leaving a path of destruction. Hundreds of windows were broken at the CIG plant and really tore up things at Charles Oswalds’, Marilyn and Ralph Bullocks’, Jack Bucks’, the McEwen place, along with Victor Gibbs’ and Pat Ward’s wheat fields
40 Years Ago
May 23, 1980
- From the Sheriff’s Desk – Floyd Griswould: The other night I was going south on Maine street and almost got hit head on. It sure makes hair crawl on the back of the neck seeing two headlights coming straight at you. I did write out a ticket for traveling down the wrong side of the street.
- Nursing Home News – Faye Holcomb and Harve Musselman: Christopher, a parakeet, came to make his home with the nursing home residents. At the present time, Minnie is taking care of him.
50 Years Ago
May 22, 1970
- Arlington Day at Boy’s Ranch commemorates the gift of a chapel. Three years ago, the tiny chapel was moved 27 miles to take its spot atop the knoll at the Colorado Boy’s Ranch.
- A hilarious time was had by 13 of the 16 graduating seniors of Plainview High School and some friends after Baccalaureate in the school gymnasium.