
Pages from the Past - From our 136-year Archives for July 30, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
July 25, 2008
- The Colorado Division of Wildlife and city of Aurora reached an agreement for 10,000 acre-feet of water for Ne Noshe Reservoir.
- About Town- Melissa Peterson & Doris Lessenden: Roger Evans of Kit Carson escorted a patriotically painted semi from Limon to Boulder. This truck was one of five in the nation that transports a mini-Vietnam Memorial Wall to various cities in the country.
- Bonnie Lessenden received one of the highest 4-H honors possible. Bonnie was chosen as a State Outstanding 4-H Leader.
25 Years Ago
July 24, 1998
- East End Events- Christy Hopkins: Almost everyone has finished up with harvest and thought it was a bountiful and wonderful crop.
- About Town- Ida Lessenden: Congratulations to our friend, Oney Jones and family, who would have had her new 1999 red Pontiac by now if it were not for the General Motors strike.
40 Years Ago
July 29, 1983
- A new business, the “Sports Shack” has opened for business in Sheridan Lake.
- A color photograph by Chuck Bowen of Bowen Studio entitled “Flaming Sky” has been selected for display in the General Exhibit of Professional Photographers of America, Inc.
- August 7, the 16th Annual Arlington School Reunion will be held.
- Lori Shalberg won honors in four of five events in the annual District Horse Team Tournament held in Lamar.
50 Years Ago
July 27, 1973
- A tornado was spotted traveling in a northeasterly direction sweeping across the Brandon and Sheridan Lake area.
- Greenbugs and Corn Leaf Aphids are both causing damage to the sorghum in Kiowa County according to CSU Extension Agent George Ellicott.
75 Years Ago
July, 1948
- One of the heaviest rains fell at Eads. In less than hour 2.5 inches fell, causing many flooded basements. The underpass at one time had 2.5 feet.
- Thieves entered the Kiowa Café breaking into a couple of pin ball machines and stole money, but failed to take anything else.
100 Years Ago
July, 1923
- Sheridan Lake: Our popular rural routesman, Elmer Kinderdick, has treated himself to a fine new Ford coupe, in which he is handing out mail in style these days.