Tips for staying cozy and comfortable while trucking
As the temperatures start to change in some parts of the country, it’s a good idea for truck drivers to be prepared. The weather can change very drastically over the course of one trip, especially for long-distance drivers. Here are tips for staying cozy and comfortable while trucking this fall.
Keep plenty of layers on hand
When the temperatures drop, you could just turn on the heat in your cab; however, this tends to make things very toasty very quickly. A better idea is to wear layers that you can put on and take off as you’re driving, which won’t heat up the entire cab.
Change your headgear
Many trucker caps are made with a breathable fabric that is great for hot weather. However, come winter, these caps may not be enough to keep you warm. A beanie is the perfect alternative because it’s warm and stays loose on your head.
Invest in good blankets
Another way to stay cozy and comfortable while trucking is to invest in some quality blankets that can keep you warm during those cold nights in your cab. Duvets are perfect for this purpose because they are warm and create less laundry than traditional comforters.
Wear comfortable clothes
Many people like to wear jeans while driving because they keep you warm and are durable enough to protect you in warehouses and other places you may visit on the job. However, jeans are not made from the most flexible material, and they can restrict your body in ways that are uncomfortable. A better option is to get a few pairs of cargo pants or overalls that are just as tough but a bit looser than jeans.
Don’t forget the umbrella
Cooler temperatures aren’t the only weather change you’ll experience as the seasons shift. Rain tends to be more common in the fall in many parts of the country, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve got a quality umbrella handy while driving.
There are many things you can do to make long-haul trucking more comfortable. What matters is that you enjoy your time on the road and keep yourself safe and protected during inclement weather.