Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - August 11, 2020
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday August 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Town Clerk, Robin Fox, took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present – Dennis Pearson, Justin McLoud, Kathy McCracken, Karl Eikenberg, Terry Riley and Meghan Buck
- Absent –
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
- Assistant Clerk- Barbara Scranton-Present
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
- Guests Present – Stephanie Gonzales and Lance Clark
Minutes- Justin McLoud motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken motioned to approve payment of the bills ($34,216.55 Water, $14,279.34 Utility, $45,358.03 General, $751.88 Conservation, $68.10 Airport: $94,673.90 Total). Karl Eikenberg seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Pool- The Board of Trustees and Mayor are concerned with the letter everyone received from the County Commissioners regarding a sales tax. Two sales tax increases on the same ballot may not work out favorably for either entity. However, because of the time, effort, and expense already invested by the Town, the Trustees and Mayor feel that the sales tax increase is the optimal move. Terry Riley motioned to sign and submit the Intergovernmental Agreement to the County Clerk before the deadline of August 25, 2020 pending approval of the agreement by the town’s attorney. Karl Eikenberg seconded, motion passed unanimously. September 4, 2020 is the due date for the Coordinated Election Certification (ballot content) to the County Clerk. The Trustees would like to hold an Open Forum before the ballot content due date. The Open Forum will cover cost comparisons, revenue comparisons, loans, plot plans, and an open comment period. The open forum is set for August 27th, 6 pm, at the Crow Luther Cultural Events Center.
New Business:
New Attorney – Lance Clark with Steerman Law Offices introduced himself to the Trustees and Mayor. Mr. Clark will be presenting the Board of Trustees with a contract at the September 2020 meeting.
Bus Stop – Stephanie Gonzales, Executive Director of Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development (SECED), talked to the Board of Trustees about a location to install a covered and lit bus stop for transit busses. SECED has already been approved for the Grants Funding this stop. The stop provides additional transit for anyone needing to travel but does not have the resources to do so. Van Brown asked about the maintenance to the stop for the purpose of additional expense to the Town funds to maintain a clean and well lighted area. Mrs. Gonzales said that is the responsibility of the transit line and is included in the funding. There are a few options that the Board would like to discuss and look at before making a decision. Mrs. Gonzales was asked to attend the September meeting.
Roads – Karl Eikenberg received complaints about the dirt streets within town limits and asked if they could be paved. Van Brown let Karl Eikenberg know that unless each home along the street has curb and gutters, paving or chip seal isn’t an option. Without the curb and gutters any moisture will wash the road out. Curb and gutters are the responsibility of the landowner.
Bring Up Items
Drainage Ditch – Justin McLoud was approached about concerns with tree stumps near the drainage ditch.
Van Brown will have them removed.
Adjournment- Meghan Buck motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:55pm pm. Karl Eikenberg seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Barbara Scranton, Assistant Town Clerk