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A Tribute to Judy – Part 19

© ChristianChan - iStock-476118892
Ernest Hammer


MAY 31, 1938 – AUGUST 8, 2023

Part 18 was published December 25, 2023, and can be found here.

June 20, 2018, I took Judy to the Cheyenne Wells Hospital because she had a stomach infection. This was the first time she had been in a hospital since our daughter, Kim, was born 55 years ago. Judy was in the hospital for four or five days.

Father’s Day Stroke

Judy and I were in Colorado Springs on Father’s Day at our daughter, Kim’s, house with the rest of the family. We thought Judy wasn’t acting right. I should have taken her to the hospital. I took her home and the next day she was acting worse. I called the hospital in Cheyenne Wells, and they said to bring her in the clinic.  I thought they met at the clinic in Kit Carson, but it was closed. On to Chyenne Wells, another 25 miles. The doctor on duty examined her and said that she had had a stroke. He called flight for life. Tony was with me, and we waited until the helicopter came and took her to North Memorial in Colorado Springs.

Judy was in her room when we got there. It was a two-patient room, and her bed was close to the outside window. When we got there, she had to go to the restroom and had been ringing her call button.

There were several nurses outside the door having a meeting. Tony went out to tell them that his mother needed help going to the restroom. One of the nurses said, “we are having a meeting.” After that, Tony and I started trying to get Judy moved to the Memorial Hospital on Boulder Street.

It took two days, but we got her moved, and she started doing therapy. I don’t remember how many days before she was able to go home.

She had a lot of therapy before going home. When we got home home, I started taking her to Lamar for therapy three times per week.  The round trip was one hundred thirty miles. She did well at the therapy in Lamar, and was released from those sessions she continued at home.

She wanted to drive the car. I let her and she did well. I wish I had let her do more driving.

Shortly after Judy had her stroke, I had a reunion planned for Crowley and Otero county farmers, Soil Conservation Service, Agriculture Stabilization, and Conservation Service employees held in Ordway. Everyone enjoyed themselves and Judy did quite well.

It’s a little over a quarter of a mile from our house to the county road, which I walk twice a day. Judy would walk part way on a nice day. It was a little blustery one day, and she said she wasn’t walking. I made some derogatory remark and went for a walk. When I was coming back to the house, I had my head down and looked up and just about ran into Judy. She had bundled up and was coming out to walk with me.

Judy always enjoyed having her hair washed and styled on a weekly basis. She got acquainted with Gayla Connelley and visited her each week. After several years, Gayla quit doing hair so she would be able to spend more time with her grandchildren. Judy found Lorrie Lynn in Eads to take Gayla’s place.

Judy and I attended a church in Kit Carson and one in Cheyenne Wells, but we were never totally satisfied. We decided to attend the Praise Community Church in Eads. We enjoyed the service, and continued to attend. Now our two sons, their wives and our granddaughter, her husband, and our two great grandchildren attend this church.

Lane Gooden is Pastor of this church, assisted by his wife Deborah.