USDA Update – June 2, 2020
- CFAP – Signup May 26 – August 28
- LFP – Signup ends January 30, 2021
- 2020- ARCPLC enrollment - Deadline June 30, 2020
- 2020 PLC YIELD UPDATE – Deadline September 30, 2020
- WHIP+ signup - Begins March 23, 2020
Disclaimer: Information in this UPDATE is pertinent to Kiowa County FSA only. Producers reading this and that do not have FSA interest in Kiowa County are advised to contact their local FSA Office.
Unfortunately, the Service Center as of Monday, June 1, continues to operate by the guidelines listed below.
There is no public access allowed into the Service Center at this time. Customers can call 719-438-5851 and schedule a phone appointment or can call with questions. The staff is working and will continue to provide customer service. Customers can use email, fax and phones to contact the office and/or employees. Contact information is provided below.
USDA Service Centers Open for Business by Phone Appointment Only
U.S. Department of Agriculture Service Centers are encouraging visitors to take precautionary measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
The Kiowa County USDA Service Center will continue to be open for business by phone appointment only and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While our program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with our producers by phone, and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency are required to call to schedule a phone appointment.
Farm Service Agency: (719) 438-5851 extension 2 - Natural Resources Conservation Service: (719) 438-5851 extension 3
Employees may also be contacted by email; the addresses are listed below in the Service Center contact information.
Online services are available to customers with an eAuth account, which provides access to the farmers.gov portal where producers can view USDA farm loan information and payments and view and track certain USDA program applications and payments. Online NRCS services are available to customers through the Conservation Client Gateway. Customers can track payments, report completed practices, request conservation assistance, and electronically sign documents. Customers who do not already have an eAuth account can enroll at farmers.gov/sign-in.
For the most current updates on available services and Service Center status visit farmers.gov/coronavirus.
This week’s picture of the U.S. Drought Monitor is of the entire U.S. and this picture unfortunately reflects where the severe drought conditions exist, and southeast Colorado is in the red. The past weekend also saw the temperature soar in the high 90’s and the ever so present wind that doesn’t seem to end.
The month of May, here at the Service Center there is a National Weather Service weather station and we recorded .81 for the month. In 2011, Eads received .83 and in 2012 .39 for the month of May; let’s pray we aren’t in a repeat of those horrible drought years.
Producers who will be claiming prevented planting due to drought conditions. Be certain to report to your crop insurance agent within 72 hours or 3 days after the final planting date for the crop which was prevented from being planted. If the prevented planted crop is not insured through crop insurance and is insured through the Non-insured crop assistance program or (NAP) program with FSA; a notice of loss must be completed within 15 days after the final planting date.
Final planting dates vary by county and crop; therefore, consult with your crop insurance agent for final dates in other counties.
And just like that, FSA offices are up and running (sometimes literally) administering the CFAP program. Producers are calling in and scheduling phone appointments. If you haven’t called the office regarding the program, please visit www.farmers.gov/cfap for all information regarding the program; including an online calculator and application.
People need to also be aware, that this CFAP program is designed for ALL producers who have an interest and share in the risk of producing a crop or livestock. Producers who normally don’t participate in USDA – FSA programs and meet the definition of a producer and meet other eligibility requirements are eligible for this program.
All production, sales and inventory of eligible commodities and livestock must be subject to price risk as of January 15. The producer’s eligible commodity and/or livestock must still be at risk of price fluctuations after January 15, 2020, to be eligible for payment.
Producers are responsible for being aware of program provisions and accurately reporting all required information as applicable on AD-3114. This program is designed to be a producer self-certification; in other words, at the time of application supporting documentation does not have to be provided. We are urging producers if the documentation is readily available when submitting the application; submit it to the office. This program will have a spot-check process down the road and producers who are selected for spot-check will be required to submit supporting documentation.
Producers who are approved for participation in CFAP are required to retain documentation in support of their application for 3 years after the date of approval. Producers must understand that failure to provide complete and accurate information and records could result in any or all of the following:
- An application for CFAP assistance being disapproved, COC adjusted, or approved by ineligible for payment.
- The producer(s) being determined ineligible for FSA programs for the year or multiple years.
- The producer(s) being liable under any civil or criminal fraud statute or any statute or provision of law.
The total amount of CFAP payments that a person or legal entity (excluding general partnerships and joint ventures) may receive is $250,000.00. CFAP applicants that are a corporation, LLC, or LP, and authorized representative of the legal entity may seek an increase in the $250,000 payment limitation based on the member’s, stockholder’s, or partner’s contribution of active personal labor or active personal management, or a combination thereof
A contribution of at least 400 hours of active personal labor, active personal management, or a combination thereof must be provided by a member, stockholder, or partner from any level of ownership in the organizational structure to qualify the legal entity for the optional increase in payment limitation. The maximum limitation a corporation, LLC or LP may receive is $750,000. The authorized representative of the legal entity must certify on form AD-3114, Part H the names of the entity members providing at least 400 hours of active personal labor and/or management or a combination of both.
The CFAP payment is:
- Available to eligible producers who had or still have an ownership interest in 1 or more of the eligible commodities
- Not subject to sequestration.
- Not subject to offset.
The CFAP payment will be determined in 1, 2 and/or 3 payment parts, and a total payment will be calculated based on the combined parts. The total payment amount will be multiplied by a factor of 80% for the initial payment. FSA may issue a second payment if funds remain available.