Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Meeting
By Doris Lessenden
Members of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary had a heartwarming meeting on December 13th when a lady from Lamar sent a memorial check of $200.00 and when Roger Saffer came to tell us we would be receiving about $618.00 as a gift from the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Association of which he is a board member.
Linda Trosper, director of our Fall Bazaar, gave a favorable report; however we were thankful to learn of the donations because we were a little under the amount that we earn each year at the Bazaar. Linda was grateful to the people who helped her set up the tables and chairs and also helped with her clean up. That was her biggest worry.
Madonna Pollreis and Linda Trosper reported on possible quilts or quilted wall hangings that could be on display during the year. The ladies admired a red and pink quilt donated by Mary Ellen Englehardt for display.
Activity Director Teri Castle reported that the residents enjoyed eating lunch at the JJ’s Ranch House and shopping in the Eads HealthMart. Parties are planned for December and Teri is filling the socks with items from money we donated. We will meet at noon on January 10th and then go to the Weisbrod ECU to play Bingo with the residents. The members will take treats and envelopes of change or bills for residents to select when the get a Bingo.
Potential members are welcomed at any time. Our dues are $5.00 for active members and $10.00 for inactive members. The Nomination Committee is Marsha Siefkas, Barb Diel, and LaVerle Kelley for election at the January meeting. Four members were to go to the Hospital and clinic to judge the decorated doors that afternoon.