Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Notes
Ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary heard several reports at their monthly meeting at the J J’s Ranch House August 8 with more reports on the agenda for the September 12 meeting. Men and women are welcome to join this group for dues of $5.00 to work together to make life more pleasant for residents at Weisbrod.
We paid for the treats for the “Back to School Fashion Show” and do appreciate those parents and grandparents who brought their little ones to the ECU for the residents to enjoy. The ladies reported on the terrific “Mad Hatter Party” tea party this month. Doris brought some pretty little “Alice in Wonderland” story plates, napkins and decorations that Teri Castle-Simmons and Kelly Dunlap and arranged. They showed photos and pretty scrapbook pages of the tea party. These ladies and Madonna Pollreis created large tall hats covered with elegant fabrics, bows, and decorations.
Linda Trosper stated that at this time, she would plan to organize the November Bazaar. Her main concern may be the lack of volunteers for set up and take down however, we will deal with that. Linda plans to send out letters to previous vendors but asks that if we know any other possible vendors to let her know. She suggested that we give Madonna Pollreis a gift card in appreciation for the clothing protectors she made for the residents and for other things she has done for the residents.
Some members will go to play cards with the residents when Teri sets a date. Teri Castle-Simmons and Kelly Dunlap told us about some of the activities they have done or plan to do. Some new plans are to have the Prairie Pines residents come to play Bingo with them on August 11 and then on August 25 some Weisbrod residents will go to the Hawaiian Coffee Hour. They are doing evening activities like “Smores on the Patio” and plan a “50’s Rock and Roll” dance in the courtyard so the residents can watch from the veranda. Teri’s Uncle and Aunt, Eric and Jenanne Pearson from Las Animas are excellent dancers and have a venue of ‘50’s music. They can perform 50’s Dances on the Patio while the residents can sit on the balcony and watch below. Teri sewed poodle skirts for another event which she can have the residents wear. It was suggested that we have a donation basket to be used for some of the tools the ladies need to work with the residents. Watch for flyers on this fun evening on the patio.
The staff and volunteers often help push to residents for weekly “walk and roll” outings. They plan to go to the new Demitasse Coffee Shop and love going to the Maine Scoop Ice Cream Shoppe weekly. Linda Trosper offered to pay for the resident’s coffee on their first trip to Demitasse, which recently opened in Eads.
The Weisbrod Extended Care Unit is a fun place to be and I have only mentioned a few happenings.