Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Meeting Notes
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met November 14 to make more plans for the Fall Holiday Bazaar and Christmas plans. Linda Trosper organizer of the Annual Bazaar reported that we have over thirty tables of vendors. Madonna Pollreis, Barb Diel and Loretta Seibel volunteered to bring gifts for the Drawing.
Madonna, Barb, and Doris volunteered to go to play Bunco and visit with the residents
that evening which is the monthly evening for Auxiliary ladies to play evening games at the ECU.
Teri Simmons-Castle reported on some of the activities that she and her new assistant, Tonya Lane, are planning to do in December. There will door decorating Contest on a Disney theme which the Auxiliary will judge on the afternoon of December 12. They will award Eads Buck prizes. The Auxiliary donated money to Teri and Tonya to buy gifts for resident’s Santa Socks which they will open on December 25. The Activity Ladies are also planning Bingo parties, Carol Singing, baking and forming Ginger Bread Houses for the Adopted grandkids to decorate. Another new idea is to have vendors in the hallway for the residents to gift shop with money they earned from playing bingo; plus, they are making wonderful toy gifts for the Adopted Third-grade Grandchildren.
Two important birthdays in December are Harvey Hollis on December 7 for his 100th birthday and George Temple on December 30.
The Weisbrod ECU is a happy place to be. People are invited to bring or send cards to the 17 residents so they get some mail.