Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting notes
Ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met September 11 for their monthly meeting and lunch. Alice Glover presided over the meeting where Doris Lessenden read the minutes and Loretta Seibel gave the Treasurer’s Report. The donation to the Auxiliary in memory of George Temple from a local lady is very much appreciated. A reminder to families and friends: when $100 is given in memory of a person, their name will be engraved on gold plate and mounted on the large wall plaque in the hospital entryway. This donation helps us buy gifts, furnishings, or other needs for the residents.
Linda Trosper gave an update on her organization of the November 17 Fall Bazaar. We are seeking vendors for the day. We will have tickets to pre-sell for the Auxiliary table that will help our efforts. One lady from the community has offered some of her lovely afghans for our drawing. Linda has asked Madonna to take phone calls and help her with the Bazaar if needed.
Tonya Lane of the Activities Department is working on plans for the family and community pre-Thanksgiving Day. This dinner is for the residents and their families is scheduled for November 18. We plan to have a photographer take photos of family groups who want them and then will give each family a photo.
We commended Tonya for taking exhibits to the county fair for the residents. In the senior display, June Weeks won Grand Champion with her quilt and Margaret Frazee won Reserve Champion for her ceramic church. The staff took some residents who wanted to go to the chuck wagon breakfast and they also helped decorate the nursing home trailer for some of the residents to ride in the parade. Among them were 102-year-old Pansy Foxworthy, Shirley Ann Nelson, Trudy Coates, Ruthanna Jacobs, and Margaret Frazee. Tonya thanked the ladies who go to play Bunco or Bingo with the residents on the second Tuesday night. This month, Madonna Pollreis Loretta Seibel, Valorie Briggs, and Doris went to play.
The next meeting will be October 9 at 11:00 a.m. in J J’s Ranch House restaurant. Nurse Ellen Lane plans to be on the agenda to get acquainted with the members. Visitors are welcome.