About Town - May 25, 2020
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3
The deeper meaning of Memorial Day is a time set apart from other days to remember our loved ones who have who have died in wars or just in their daily lives. For many of us it is a rather melancholy time when we remember our dear fathers and mothers, other relatives, and friends who has passed from this life to Heaven or Hell. We have a choice.
Now to brighter news: Zelda Peterson turned 100 years old last week. In the photos with her family in Windsor, Zelda looked just as pretty and alert as she was when she lived east of Eads and raised her children, Norman, Janet, and Charlotte. Both girls said their mother had lived through five wars, but the quarantine was worst for her. Zelda said, “They didn’t tell me I had to put on a mask to leave my apartment.” Zelda was so active in the Eads Home Demonstration Club, her church, and senior citizens.
Kenny and Elaine Lindholm of Eads are happy for their daughter, Laura Lindholm, who recently graduated Cum Laude with High Honors from Hastings College in Nebraska recently. Best wishes to Laura in her future plans.
We are looking forward to the graduation of the Eads Senior Class Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Two vehicles per graduate will be allowed in the football parking lot where the graduates of 2020 will be presented with their diplomas on the stage. Afterward, they will parade down Maine Street from the north before well wishers who are parked along the street. People can leave cards or gifts in student totes in the Kiowa HealthMart or take them to the Praise Community Church parking lot.
Freda (Simmons) Hollis, 99, has been in the hospital in Greeley recently. She was bending over to smell some roses when her wheelchair tipped over, spilling her out. In her usual humor, she told her nurse to call her daughter, Bonnie, to say, “Freda is being good.”
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary and some hospital funds bought lots of plants - mostly blooming flowers - which they potted in various containers on the patio and around the Shotton memorial stone furniture. The residents like to watch the strawberries and some vegetables grow. Ladies from the Lab and Dietary painted rocks to look like cute little bugs sitting among the plants. Tanya Lane of Activities said, “the residents are doing well, and this type of planting activity is a happy time for them.”
Glenda (Bright) Immer sent word that their mother, Nina Mae Bright, 97, formerly of Haswell, has died. Their family appreciates all the messages and kindness expressed to them.
Up at Hugo, Jessica (Borns) Weeks orchestrated a “Drive by for Happy Mother’s Day” at the care center for which she works. Like Eads, there were many cars with balloons and decorations.
Our Eads Clinic provider, Dawn Back, PA, is off for just a little while longer for while she recuperates from another knee surgery. That cowgirl wants to ride her horses again this summer. Michael Archer, PA, is a new provider on the clinic staff, and fits right in to helping people with their medical needs.
Charlie’s Kitchen was open last week out of the “Maine Scoop Ice Cream Shop.” While Liz Hulteen and I were eating lunch outside the Maine Scoop last Monday, some people stopped wondering if they could buy some. No, Liz had bought this from the new Godfather’s Pizza shop that is adjacent to the Subway shop at the Love’s store.
Young Peyton Eder is using her summer time to sew under the guidance of her great grandmother, Gloria Peck. Peyton sewed attractive aqua colored masks for the Weisbrod Staff. She used a pattern for surgical masks. Shannon Dixon and ReNay Crain accepted them and tried them on. Thanks to this young 4-H member, who has found a good way to serve her community.
Saturday evening at the Jamie Crockett Ranch south of Eads, a memorial service was hosted for family and friends of Zachary Gifford who lost his life in April. They had been mourning their loss of Zach, so this was part of the way to bring some closure to this tragic happening.
Jack and Angie Barnes of Vernal, Utah, are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter, Abbey Lee, from the University of Kansas School of Law this month. She is the granddaughter of Dora Pearcey.
Mary Lou Williams of Brandon, Sharon Wilson of Sheridan Lake, TyLyn Williams of Chivington, Dreama Buck from the Prairie Queen community, Konda Howard and Tearle Lessenden of Eads often share such beautiful sunrise photos. Their photos show the majestic clouds and beauty of our mostly flat country land here that brings glory to our county.
Arnitha (Ritchie) Frazee, who lives in the Oklahoma City area, sends warnings from the police that there is a new scam there. While a person is filling their gas tank, someone puts a note on the back window and when the driver gets out to remove it, the thief jumps into the vehicle and drives his or her car away. Arnitha said, “If it is a woman, her purse is in the vehicle!” Beware, my friends.
“You are never too old to miss your mother.”
Peace be with you.