About Town – February 22, 2021
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22: 39
Congratulations to our own Connie (Watts) Richardson, Eads High School class of 1980, who studied to become a registered nurse and returned to practice at Weisbrod Hospital in Eads. She has always been a steady, wise, compassionate, calm nurse who quietly carries on her duties competently. Those who observed her as the Student Council President in 1979-80 recognized that she was indeed an awesome leader. She knows how to be reassuring and gives a sense of security when she is on the floor. Those are just a few of the reasons Connie Richardson received the “Colorado Health Care Hero” award for nurses in Colorado.
People need people. Most people anyway. I am realizing that more when I talk to some friends or listen to people to hear how lonely they are to see other humans. We realize this more after nearly 11 months of staying in our homes. Now in Kiowa County, after staying in our homes for nearly two weeks because of the snow and ice, people are feeling what some call “cabin fever.” When I think about the poor souls who live in a very small nursing home rooms or apartments, I empathize with them. I am so glad I had such wise parents and that I live in Eads America. I have heard and have met some people who moved here simply by buying a home off the internet, for example a man from New York, a man from Mississippi, couple from New Hampshire, and others.
Dr. Dennis Bartha and Joe Zinger have two newly fitted physical therapy rooms on the upper floor of Weisbrod Hospital now. This makes it so much easier, physically, for people who come seeking exercises and therapies to recover from surgeries, strokes, injuries and circumstances that are causing temporary disabilities. Our citizens are so blessed to have such a department right here in Eads. Since I believe in the ongoing welfare of a person to have a monthly checkup by a chiropractor, I am so grateful that Dr Sean Qquist comes to Eads on Wednesdays. In the last two years, my whole life has been improved and rejuvenated by having a massage from Curtis Canopin, who has hours at Demitasse.
Harvey Hollis, my dear quiet country neighbor, has died. He lived a good 103 years! Isn’t that amazing? He was a farmer who liked tinkering with mechanical things. I didn’t know till I went to his 100th birthday party that he loved to drive a motorcycle. His daughter, Joyce, who lives on their home place, said “that is how were drove the cows in at night.” His son, Philip, has been here also.
When visiting on the with Kemma Alfano, County Librarian, I learned more about the needs of the library. They have had to abide by the same budget since 1987 at a 1 .5 mil levy. That is 34 years! The few people they can hire get minimal wages. Readers, think of all the changes in technology since 1987. They haven’t taken a proposal to increase the mill levy for several years because of the drought and the epidemic. On a bright note, someone donated $700 so they can now have a summer reading program. Bless that donator or donors! Let’s the rest of us donate some money to the library fund. I learned that if a person is interested to serve on the Library District Board, they can write a letter of intent and, when there is an opening, they might be appointed by the Commissioners. Barbara McCoin is serving as the Chair of the Board. Thank you, Barbara, and all the other people who have served through the years.
It was so good to actually see basketball games in the Eads gym. The rules have changed so that 285 people can go, it is free, and you just have to sign in! The games with Kit Carson and Eads Middle Schools and High Schools were exciting and close. Our cheerleaders were on the stage with their coach, Alicia James. The adult cheer sections were improved too. I think maybe Lonnie Spady was a college cheerleader. I admire his exuberance.
It was such a shock to hear that Don McPherson of Eads-Lamar died suddenly in Colorado Springs. We always had such high regard for him when my Daddy was in the nursing home. Every Sunday at 3:00 p.m., Don would bring his son and daughter, Dony (Grimace) and Bobbi, up to visit their grandmother. Don lived out near Queen’s Lake. His services will be February 23.
It was wonderful to hear on the radio that the Hospital District thanks the whole community, including the fire department volunteers, Weisbrod staff, county emergency manager, and others who worked together to move the Weisbrod residents to Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center for a while when workers were repairing systems to keep the residents warm.
Seth Franzman called me from Arizona to ask some information the Otero Junior College President’s Leadership Scholarships. He serves on the OJC Foundation Board. I didn’t know that he graduated from Ordway with Catherine Anderson and Ray Griswould, my brother-in-law, both who lived in Arlington.
Eads senior citizens, there is hope: someday we will get to meet again in our long-promised center. In the meantime, we can earn more money and plan ahead for a happier future.