About Town – March 20, 0223
“Do not be anxious about anything” Philippians 4:6
The verse above, Philippians 4:6, has been my favorite since the 1970s when our Eads boys’ team was playing in the state basketball tournament. Mike Weirich made a fantastic shot to win the game. When we boarded the bus, Cathy Woelk asked me, “Could we have a prayer meeting tonight?” I said yes, although I didn’t know much about how to do that at the time in my life. That night, Bob Laird took the pep club to the night games at the Coliseum, so I took my Bible to look for inspiration. That is when I found this verse that has guided my life for 49 years. The three basic directives are, don’t worry or be anxious, tell God you needs, and pray with a thankful heart when the answer comes.
Our senior citizens director, Gail Voss, did so much extra work to prepare corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, and gravy as well as her hot rolls. It takes 10 or more hours to cook that beef, but it was worth it. She had decorated the tables with green clothes, pretty ceramic potatoes, and Irish theme flowers that Lonnie Hier had arranged for the center. Sylvia Weeks chaired the business meeting, and Cindy Williams read the minutes for Dana Brown. Then, Treasurer Joyce Berry gave us a good report that we didn’t have any bills. More people are going on the first and third Tuesday nights to play cards. More folks are doing chair exercises three times a week, 2:00 p.m. Mondays and 10:00 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have expanded the cardio and Yoga. These exercises, and the fellowship, are so helpful for one’s body and spirit. Come join us.
Every Sunday evening for many years, Bill and Charlotte Woelk have brought the program from the Sheridan Lake Bible Church to share with me. I like to read the names and many fine activities and groups that meet at the east end of our county. Then I pass it on the others. April 1 is their Ladies’ Retreat from 9:00 a.m. the 5:00 p.m. Ladies, you can call Amy Schmitt to sign up for the food and details. Many people travel from long distances from the west and east to attend their services.
Charlene Gifford, Eads third grade educator, has had such a commendable activity for her third graders. It is the “Adopted Grandparent” activity in which each child is paired with a resident at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit, with whom they play games, make things together, and enjoy each other at least once a month.
Hadlie Rittgers’ come and go bridal shower is March 25 at the Cobblestone Inn.
Don McDaniel’s graveside burial will be March 22 at 11:00 a.m. at the Eads Cemetery.
The Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site office on Maine Street in Eads is open for visitors, as well as the site east of Eads and north of Chivington. Through the years, it is interesting to see how people come from all over the United States and the world to learn about the unfortunate happening, and to see the site along Rush Creek. A sign outside the office invites young people to apply to train the be a Young Ranger.
The congregation and visitors of Praise Community Church in Eads and visitors rejoiced last Sunday when they celebrated their 85 years of ministry. The current pastors are Lane and Deborah Gooden, former Haswell-Eads educators who have been such a blessing for this church family. The Assembly of God Church on Hickman Street preceded the present Praise Community Church. We wish them bountiful blessings in the years to come.
Do you want to be a happier person? Why not try volunteering? It is so simple, and makes other people happy. There are many opportunities in all our communities to volunteer. For example, Friday, Ralynn Riley delivered Sage Meals, and Saturday, she volunteered at the Salvation Army Store as well as working her job at Hometown Gas and Grill. She is willing to help most anyone wherever there is a need. Liz Hulteen, personal shopper and delivery lady, brought goods to me and others. Plus she spoiled me with two things that delight me most, fresh flowers and a turtle cyclone and brownie bites. Last weekend, six or more senior citizens volunteered at the Plains Theatre during the showing of “The Jesus Revolution.” The Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center always needs volunteers. Krystal Eikenberg at the CSU Extension Office is seeking volunteers for the county fair. A person could check at the schools, where they may have ideas to use your talents. Teenager Steven Bates is enjoying calling Bingo at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center two times a week. There are other opportunities for everyone. Why not offer? Remember that older people might really be glad to have your help to reach or carry something, or just sit the visit.
Please give your donations of money or candy Easter eggs to Riki Berry Cordova by March 31. Call her at 719-688-1370
Thank you to all the people who care about our county and planet who are recycling plastic products by depositing them in the metal enclosed trailer at the Eads town shop on 14th Street.
Kindness wins!