About Town
Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”
That Romans verse reminds me that it seems that grief is more painful in weeks that follow death. I suppose because one realizes that it really is real. Thank you, to the people who have continued to send cards or speak greetings of comfort following Bonnie’s death. We do appreciate the kindness of our friends.
The annual Health Fair was the highlight of last week for many citizens which was hosted by the Kiowa County Weisbrod Hospital District employees and volunteers under the leadership of Gloria Trosper. After having one’s blood pressure taken, people could go to many free stations for tests plus blood draws for a minimal fee. It was amazing to get a free ultra sound test by Dr. Hadjizacharia and specialist, Betty on one’s neck for carotid artery blockage that shows blood flow to the brain, plus education by the three charming traveling education nurse team who like to come to Eads and the fair and stay in our Cobblestone Inn. An Eads lady paid $600.00 for this test last week and the normal fee is $300.00. Andrea Morgan had many offerings from the Kiowa County Public Health office. One was the free blood pressure cuffs from a grant and another grant pays for vouchers to buy fruits and vegetables from Crow’s Stop and Shop. This wonderful grant is based on income level to encourage “healthy living.” Pharmacist, Dr. Tom Davis was on hand to answer questions, Dr. Meridith Koch Cordova offered chiropractic adjustments, plus there were many other tests, good visiting and great foods offered by the teachers to build the scholarship fund.
After we went to the Thursday Weisbrod Hospital Extended Care Unit coffee hour, some of us went to the monthly brunch at the senior center. Ladies brought delicious egg casseroles, fruits, and Gail Voss prepared biscuits with sausage gravy. Meanwhile over at Haswell people were getting haircuts and hair dos from the traveling beautician. Robin Musgrave and I also made a stop at Haswell Propane and the Haswell post office where Cecil Anderson was working as Post Master for Trudy Briggs that day. We counted eight pick-ups and cattle trailers going east on the smooth highway to the east.
A number Kiowa Countians attended the annual Southeast Colorado Power Association dinner meeting where we were greeted by Board President Brad Buck of Eads for the brisket dinner and program. Terri H. Voss’s granddaughter, Caitlyn Lancaster, of Manzanola won a youth tour to Washington in June. Her mother is Shurrell Voss. The other winner is Jeff Henderson of Lamar whose father was a former FFA teacher in Eads. People were delighted with the gift box of three ceramic knives and a cutting board and that Kent Johnston of Arlington won a money prize.
Lori Beth (Weirich) Elder of Tribune, Kansas, is such an amazing young woman! She organized a classy and delightful fundraiser event to benefit the family of Cedric Legg of Cheyenne Wells who is a young boy afflicted with cancer.