About Town
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” II Corinthians 9:15
The Annual Kiowa County 4-H Achievement Banquet and Appreciation Dinner was held last Sunday evening at the County Community Building where 4-H members were spotlighted and honored following a ham dinner with many tasty side dishes. The theme was “Discover Yourself in 4-H”. The 11-member Council Officers were seated at a head table so each officer could take turns presenting the awards. Ms Karen Jones, the Colorado State University Administrative Assistant, is to be commended for her excellent organizational skills and service, as well as for her caring manner in working with the youth and the adults! Molly Stolzenberger and Rooney Fehr, President and Vice President, lead in presentations. It is remarkable that so many members whose projects won the right to be exhibited at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo also won ribbons in the top 10 in their division. This is impressive when one remembers that the competition can come from all 64 counties in the state. All the members went to the stage once or several times. The “Outstanding 4-H Members who were nominated, interviewed, and considered by a committee, were: Junior—Clayton Nelson, Intermediate—Katherine Trosper, and Senior—Molly Stolzenberger. The “Friend of 4-H Award” was given to Trent and Melissa Jones for their work with the clubs and youth. They were also given a gift certificate for dinner at the Texas Road House plus free babysitting. Mrs. Melissa Jones and Mrs. Katrina Fehr were the adult county leaders in 2018, and Jodi Stolzenberger and Mrs. Melissa Jones will be the adult leaders for 2019. Mrs. Gloria Trosper was heartily acknowledged for her hard work in organizing the concession stands. Numerous door prizes were given during the evening to make this special evening even better for the members and guests.
The funeral for long time Eads science educator, Jacob Diel, was held at the First Christian Church in Eads last Thursday. His son, Stanley, was here from Virginia to help his sisters, Ginger and Kassie, and their spouses to close down their family home, which is being sold. After Barb, Jake’s wife of 69 years, stays with a niece in Strasburg for a week to visit her older sister, she will move into an assisted living apartment near Ginger in the metro area. We will really miss this cheerful lady, Barb, from our circle of friends.
Halloween around Eads was quite spectacular with many offices and stores as well as front yards of homes decorated in “scary” or pretty fall décor. One of the best things to watch and to hear were the excited voices as the children paraded in costume. The youngsters were by their teachers and room parents as they walked from the school to the Weisbrod Hospital, City Hall, Court House, and businesses on Maine Street. There were many pretty costumes as well as character garments. Besides trick or treating at homes the “haunted scare house” at the fairgrounds manned by fair board members and their family and friends was a three-night hit. I heard that a group of Lamar Community College students came Saturday night. One young Denver man said, “This is great and a lot better than ones I have paid $50 to enter.” The Town of Eads VALE Board donated to the Sheriff’s project of giving educational materials and treats to the children also. For some 40 years, Alice Glover has been handing our cinnamon apples to kids and parents who are in costume. This gracious lady did it again in 2018! Her granddaughter, Chevaun Hammer, helped her for the day before her family flew to Ohio where they are making their new home.
Kit Carson Trinity Lutheran Church hosted their annual Soup Supper October 31, Reformation Day. This year it was a benefit for Oney Morlan Ure, who is taking chemotherapy treatments for cancer.
Volleyball fans who cannot go to the regional tournaments appreciated the radio sports announcers who called the games for two weeks on KLMR and KVAY. Our Lady Eagles played outstanding games!
Dr. Gary L. Roberts was the guest speaker at the Plains Theatre in Eads who is a part of the Sand Creek National Historic Site speaker series. These free presentations are always so interesting, but this one was top notch. Mr. Roberts recounted many historical facts he learned while living with his grandmother in Nebraska. His tribal heritage is Cheyenne and Lakota.
Loretta Seibel hosted a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at the senior center in Eads for her nine children and spouses last weekend. Gail Voss prepared the main dish entrees. What a wonderful family time!
Eads senior citizens who went to the brunch last Friday lingered longer to visit after all those good foods they shared. The Thanksgiving dinner will be Wednesday, November 14.
Congratulations to the Social Services staff and their Director, Dennis Pearson, who won the “Best of the Best” award among Colorado State Social Service Departments in the 64 counties in the state. They excelled in the criteria these departments are evaluated by. The ladies who won the award are Ashlynn Miner, Brandi Nevius, Kim Briggs, Audrey Johnson, and Kailey Meardon.
Do remember, please, the annual Hospital Bazaar is Saturday November 17 at the Community Building in Eads. This is the major fundraiser for the Auxiliary. The following day is the community pre-Thanksgiving dinner for the residents and their families and friends.