Ag stats: June 2022 United States crop production highlights
Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.20 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the June 1 forecast but down 6 percent from 2021. As of July 1, the United States yield is forecast at 48.0 bushels per acre, down 0.2 bushel from last month and down 2.2 bushels from last year’s average yield of 50.2 bushels per acre. Area expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 25.0 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2022, but down 2 percent from last year. Hard Red Winter production, at 585 million bushels, is up 1 percent from last month. Soft Red Winter, at 376 million bushels, is up 5 percent from the June forecast. White Winter, at 240 million bushels, is down 1 percent from last month. Of the White Winter production, 15.1 million bushels are Hard White and 225 million bushels are Soft White.
Barley production is forecast at 175 million bushels, up 49 percent from 2021. Based on conditions as of July 1, the average yield for the United States is forecast at 73.0 bushels per acre, up 12.6 bushels from last year. Area harvested for grain or seed, at 2.40 million acres is unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2022, but up 23 percent from 2021.