Ballots mailing out to Colorado voters for November 7 election
(The Center Square) – Colorado voters should receive ballots in their mailboxes for the November election in the next few days.
County clerks are required to mail ballots by Friday, October 20, to active registered voters for the election on Tuesday, November 7.
“I encourage every eligible Coloradan who has not yet registered to vote do so,” Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a statement announcing the ballot distribution. “There is still time!”
Coloradans eligible to vote can still register or update their registration at GoVoteColorado.gov through October 30 and subsequently receive a ballot by mail. After October 30, Coloradans can still register to vote, get a ballot and cast a ballot at a voting center until 7 p.m. on November 7.
Voters desiring to mail back their ballot should do so by October 30 so it will be received by their county's election officials by November 7. After October 30, the secretary of state suggests voters return their ballots at a drop box or voting center. More than 400 drop boxes will be available by October 31. Approximately 130 voter service and polling centers will be available by October 30.
Colorado voters can track their ballot to see when it is counted using BallotTrax.
Polling places will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on election day. For military members and those eligible voters casting ballots from overseas, ballots must be sent no later than 7 p.m. on November 7 and received by the close of business by November 15, the eighth day after the election.
The secretary of state's "frequently asked questions" area on its website provides information for voting if you're homeless or your home in foreclosure.
"If you are homeless, permanently reside in a recreational vehicle (RV), or for whatever reason have no fixed permanent address, you may use any address that you regularly return to and have the intent to remain," the website states. "This location is referred to as a 'home base' (residential address) and may be used for voter registration purposes. ... If a voter lacks a fixed permanent address, then a residential address does NOT need to be provided when registering to vote. For example, a voter who permanently resides in an RV may use a campground as a 'home base' for voter registration purposes. Likewise, individuals who cannot afford regular or adequate shelter may use a park, vacant lot, or homeless shelter as 'home base' for voter registration purposes. The voter may provide any physical location as an address if he/she intends that location to be their 'home base.'"
Colorado voters will decide on Proposition HH, an initiative to reduce property taxes and backfill lost tax revenues with Taxpayer's Bill of Rights refunds. The initiative was put on the ballot late in the legislative session and survived a challenge at the Colorado Supreme Court.