Dear Dietitian – Thoughts on Thanksgiving
Dear Readers,
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I grew up in a farming community, and by late November, the harvest was complete. Crops that were a year in the making were out of the fields, and relaxation could ensue. The weather had turned to cool, crisp air, and a crackling fire burned in the fireplace on Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude. What will you give thanks for this year? Like most families, mine is far from perfect, but I can name several things for which I am deeply grateful to them. One of the most important lessons I learned while growing up is the importance of helping others. My great-grandmother fed the hungry in her home every day. Her door was always open. When my dad died, a social media post read, “This man helped a lot of people that the world had given up on.” What a legacy!
Music is one of my favorite pass times. Recently, I was listening to a song and was struck by the lyrics, “I’ll give when it’s not fair.” I pondered its meaning and came up with this: Most of us have struggled to pay our bills at one time or another. Even during these times, it’s important to help others. My thoughts went to a fundraiser for a twenty-three-year-old young man with cancer. The song lyrics and the fundraiser for “Dan” put things in perspective for me.
Whether volunteering in a soup kitchen, donating to a worthy cause, or opening the door for someone in a wheelchair, helping one another is what makes the world go around. Generosity instills true joy.
That said, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! If you overindulge in turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie, enjoy! Feasting is part of the holiday.
Until next time, be healthy!
Dear Dietitian