Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - October 13, 2020
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday October 13, 2020 at 4:53 p.m. in the Town Hall. Assistant Clerk, Barbara Scranton, took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present – Dennis Pearson, Justin McLoud, Kathy McCracken,
- Karl Eikenberg, Terry Riley and Meghan Buck (Phone)
- Absent –
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Absent
- Assistant Clerk- Barbara Scranton-Present
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Absent
Guests Present –Betsey Barnett and Jessica Hyman
Minutes- Kathy McCracken motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Karl Eikenberg seconded; motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Terry Riley motioned to approve payment of the bills ($83,285.72 Water, $24,837.08 Utility, $56,057.56 General, $1,227.11 Conservation, $100,881.13 Airport: $266,288.60 Total). Justin McLoud seconded; motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Pool- Justin McLoud mentioned that there was confusion with regard to meeting the last deadline to get the Tabor turned in correctly. However, it is done and all that is remaining are the results.
Justin McLoud was contacted by Scott Black with Natare Corporation with interest in the project. They saw that the Town of Eads is working on the pool project and would like to help if they can.
The Women Empowered (W.E.) Group created direct mail to send to Town of Eads residents promoting the sales tax increase question on the ballot. The Board of Trustee’s thought it might be a good idea to run it in the newspaper also. Terry Riley motion to run the direct mail piece in the paper for two weeks at $48.00 each week. Kathy McCracken seconded; motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Liquor License – A liquor license renewal is requested. Mayor Joe Shields asked if there has been any sort of trouble with the business requesting the renewal. There haven’t been any problems or issues. Justin McLoud motioned to approve the renewal. Dennis Pearson seconded. A roll call vote was taken. Justin McLoud – Yes; Dennis Pearson – Yes; Kathy McCracken – Yes; Terry Riley – Yes; Meghan Buck – Yes; Karl Eickenberg – Yes. Motion passed unanimously.
Betsy Barnett – On December 12, 2020 there will be Merry On Maine festival. Weather permitting, there will be vendors set up outside on Maine St, Live Music, Hay Rides, and a Town Tree Lighting. Festivities are set to start when Santa Clause comes through town on the train. Businesses on Maine will stay open late. The group of individuals putting the event together will be meeting on October 20, 2020. This event is being put together because of all the canceled events due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceeds will be distributed to business and organizations that have been affected by the cancelation of events.
Jessica Hyman - The W.E. group is asking permission to promote the pool project on Facebook. The Board of Trustees approved. Jessica also asked if the W.E. Group can close part of the street between the bank and the Senior Center for their Film and Food event taking place on October 17, 2020. She assured the Board of Trustees that the event is COVID-19 safe. The Board of Trustees approved closing the street for the event.
2021 Budget – The Board of Trustees was presented with the proposed budget for 2021. It was decided to have a Budget Meeting when Town Clerk, Robin Fox, and Director of Public Works, Van Brown, are able to be present. The meeting is tentatively set for October 27, 2020 at 5pm.
Bring Up Items
Town of Eads Office Hours – Dennis Pearson asked if the office was back to regular business hours, because he has had a few people mention that the office was closed at 4pm sometimes. Assistant Clerk, Barbara Scranton, said that the office has been closing at 4pm when there is only one person in the office. When only one person is in the office, taking lunch from 12 to 1 usually means missing more people wanting to get into the office than if lunch is taken from 4-5. Because the Town Clerk and the Assistant Clerk work through the lunch hour, the Board of Trustees asked that a sign be posted that business hours are from 8am to 4pm. They also asked that the business hours are put in the newspaper.
Adjournment- Meghan Buck motioned to adjourn the meeting. Terry Riley seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 4:37pm
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Barbara Scranton, Assistant Town Clerk