First Prairie Pines Color Dash Raises $1,000
Editor's note: Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center is holding a raffle with a grand prize of up to $30,000. Read more here.
Spots of color covered the streets of Eads Saturday as 56 runners and walkers from the surrounding areas came out for a morning of fun and exercise in the first Prairie Pine Color Dash.
Originally, the course was mapped out to go down and around Jackson’s Pond and end in the Prairie Pines courtyard. However, thanks to the wonderful moisture received Friday night, plan B was implemented. A new route was made and fun was to be had.
The race began with a color fight between an excited group of 56 dashers, which made for some amazing pictures. After the cloud of color settled, the race began. Dashers weaved their way through six different color stations throughout the streets of Eads. At each station, they were blasted with powder of a different color.
The dashers crossed the finish line with some colorful clothes and ever better memories. After the race, all dashers and spectators alike were urged to stroll over to Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center and watch the residents run a race of their own around the driveway of the facility. Many of the residents’ family members pushed them through the race. This was a special event for the residents, as their smiles were shining crossing the finish line.
Next, everyone sat down to eat a delicious lunch served by the Prairie Pines kitchen staff. While eating, over 25 prizes were raffled off and t-shirts were given out for the best dressed and champion in each division. One best dressed award went to Denise Nelson in her old school white headband, long white shorts, and pig tails. Another best dressed award went to Meghan Buck. She sported a colorful, puffy tutu and a sparkling headband.
The champion runner in the adult division was Weston Meardon, who smoked the competition just in time to make it to the golf tournament. Brentley Lening wasn’t far behind him however, winning the champion shirt in the child division. Lougene Jacobs raced her way to the finish line first in the resident race, earning herself a champion t-shirt in the senior division.
A huge thank you goes out to the many businesses of Eads, Lamar, Rocky Ford, and La Junta that donated prizes and money. This event wouldn’t have been a success without all your generosity. A big thank you also goes to KLMR radio station, who was live the morning of the race, broadcasting from the registration table. They also donated numerous radio ads in the weeks leading up to the event.
Our biggest thank you of all goes out to the participants of the race, and the volunteers who came out Saturday morning to lend a helping hand. With the success of this event, we could donate over $1000 to Prairie Pines Assisted Living! If you missed out on the fun this year, don’t worry! We hope to bring you an even better 5K Color Dash next year!
Photos courtesy Timothy Gutierrez