Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County Commissioners meeting agenda May 28, 2020

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen


  • 9:00am             Open meeting-vouchers-
  • 9:30am             Ryan Sneller & Tyler Surat – Steel City Solar
  • 10:00am          
  • 10:30am
  • 11:00am
  • 11:30am           Rick Reed – John Deere Dozer Lease
  • LUNCH JJ’s Restaurant
  • 1:00pm             Joni Brooks – Safety Circuit Rider Program


  • Opening of Meeting
  • Minutes of last meeting:
  • Approval vouchers:
  • Approval /Additions to Agenda


Grant Updates / CSBG Funding

Landfill & Recycling Update

COVID-19 Update / Courthouse hours

Disc Golf Course

Veterans Service Office

Upcoming Meetings:

  • June 10 RESADA
  • June 11 Commissioner Meeting
  • June 16 KCEDF
  • June 17 SAGE/SEBREA
  • June 24 SECED
  • June 25 Commissioner Meeting


  • Treasurer’s report / Clerk Report / Commissioners Report / TV Tower Report / Sheriff Activity Report
  • Model Traffic Report / EM Report
  • Time Off Request Forms
  • New Hire Progress Report
  • 2020 Parade Theme
  • Fair Board Special Events License
  • Fair Board Maintenance Requests
  • Fair Board Member Application
  • June Horse Show
  • Audit Engagement Letter