Mandatory mask order extended into October
Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed an executive order Saturday extending a requirement for people in the state to “wear a medical or non-medical face covering” due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The order notes that wearing facing coverings can reduce the spread of COVID-19 by as much as 65 percent. Recent data is showing an increase in infections, though the daily number of cases has declined since early August.
Persons under 10 years old and those who cannot medically tolerate a face covering are exempted from wearing masks. Other exemptions are allowed for people seated at restaurants, temporarily removing a mask for identification, public safety workers, and those giving a speech, among other limited purposes. Counties and cities can choose to be more restrictive.
The order applies to publicly accessible indoor spaces or places of employment, but excludes private homes, hotel or motel rooms, and residential rooms at educational facilities.
As of Friday afternoon, Colorado has had 60,492 cases of COVID-19. Nearly 1,900 deaths in the state have been directly attributed to the virus. All but one of the state’s counties have reported at least one case. Only Kiowa County in southeast Colorado has avoided any reported cases.
In the United States, almost 6.5 million cases of COVID-19 have been identified, and more than 193,000 people have died with the disease. Globally, 28.6 million people have been identified with COVID-19.