The Most Common Injuries You Can Get on the Job

The Most Common Injuries You Can Get on the Job

Feature Staff

When you think of workplace injuries, the first thing that comes to mind is probably physically demanding jobs like construction work or heavy machinery operation. However, injuries can occur in any line of work, and it's essential to know the most common injuries and how to prevent them. 

Let's explore the top five most common workplace injuries you can get on the job to stay safe and healthy.


This injury is by far the most common in any workplace. Overexertion can happen in any job that requires physical labor, whether such labor involves lifting heavy boxes or performing repetitive motions. The best way to prevent overexertion is to ensure you're properly trained on lifting and taking frequent breaks to avoid fatigue. Not only can overexertion lead to immediate injuries, but it can also cause long-term damage if not addressed.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Whether you work in an office or on a construction site, slips, trips, and falls can happen anywhere. Wet floors, uneven surfaces, and clutter can all contribute to these injuries. To prevent slips, trips, and falls, keep your workspace clean and clutter-free, wear slip-resistant shoes, and use caution when walking on wet or slippery surfaces. The last thing you want is to slip and fall on the job, as this can lead to potentially serious injuries.

Struck-By Injuries

Being struck by an object is a common injury in the construction, manufacturing, and transportation industries. Employees can hurt themselves with falling objects, flying debris, or other tools and equipment. The best way to prevent struck-by injuries is to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as hard hats or safety glasses, and to stay alert to your surroundings. These precautions can also help prevent injuries that occur as a result of being caught in or between objects.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Jobs that require a lot of typing, using a mouse or trackpad, or performing other repetitive motions can eventually lead to injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. The best way to prevent repetitive motion injuries is to take frequent breaks and stretch your hands and arms throughout the day. Use ergonomic equipment and adjust your workspace to reduce strain on your muscles and joints when possible.

Electrical Injuries

Employees can be at risk for shocks, burns, and other electrical injuries in jobs that involve working with electricity. To prevent these types of injuries, ensure you're properly trained on working with electrical equipment and always wear the essential PPE gear. Try to avoid working with electricity in wet conditions and always follow safety protocols and guidelines. You should also regularly inspect electrical tools and equipment for any signs of wear or damage.

No matter your industry, there's always a risk of injury. However, knowing the most common types of injuries and taking steps to prevent them can greatly reduce your chances of being injured on the job. Remember to practice good safety habits, wear appropriate PPE, and report unsafe working conditions to your supervisor. By working together, we can create safer workplaces for everyone.