
Pages from the Past - From our 133-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Year Ago
September 16, 2005
- East End Events –Lana Weber: Fair, fair, and fair! Saturday, most of the East End went to the Kiowa County Fair and enjoyed all the rides and, of course, the rodeo
- Another very successful Junior Livestock Sales. This year a total of 55 lots were sold. Steers average of $1,008.33, Swine $940.38, Sheep $838.89, Goats $476.67 3 pens rabbits $19, and 3 pens broilers $355
25 Years Ago
September 15, 1995
- The Eads Board of Trustees discussed the proposed abandonment of the Southern Pacific railroad line from Towner to Pueblo at their regular scheduled meeting.
- Knopp Livestock, Syracuse, Kansas, has agreed to cease and desist order by the USDA. USDA official said Knopp failed to pay full purchase price of livestock.
- Kit Carson News – Ruby Lafferty: We wish a belated happy birthday to Bessie Short, who was 109 on September 10.
- Nursing Home News – Nellie Nickert: There was some doubt I would be able to ride in the parade. But ride I did and my chariot was a dashing Model T!
40 Years Ago
September 12, 1980
- The Prairie Dog Café, a new business enterprise in Haswell, officially open its doors.
- Announcement was made of an indicated oil discovery in a gas field south of Chivington.
- Senior Citizen News –Ethel Johnson and Rhua Sloan: Remember the Old Timer’s Reunion. Come to register and meet the folks who came to the Kiowa County Fair and renew old acquaintances.
50 Years Ago
September 11, 1970
- There will be a homemade ice cream sale at the Fairgrounds. This will make a delicious desert with your barbecue.
75 Years Ago
September 7, 1945
- Kiowa County starting chute was taken to Pueblo for use at the Colorado State Fair. This chute is quite popular with racehorse people. Lloyd Mast has orders for several to be made at his shop in Eads. He has also applied for a patent of his design.
100 Years Ago
September 10, 1920
- Judging from the reports coming in, the corn raisers in the sandy land will have to hustle to hold their own with the growers on hard land near Eads. Some good exhibits are promised for the County Fair.
- Everyone connected with the Nee-No-She Company are more confident than ever that a commercial well has been encountered, but it will take a little time to demonstrate just how big a well we have at present depth.