
Pages from the Past - From our 135-year Archives for June 26, 2022
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
June 22, 2007
- USDA Update- Rod Johnson: Wheat prices this past week reached near record levels hovering around the $5 to $5.40 range.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: I saw two Model T Fords going down the road that brought back memories. That was the first car I ever drove. My brother was showing me how and we were coming to a gate. He told me to push in the low pedal half way as that puts it in neutral, but I pushed all the way and put it in low. Good-bye gate.
25 Years Ago
June 20, 1997
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: I’ll start this week about the weather. When I checked the rain gauge Tuesday, there was a full 6” of rain. By the end of the week, we had totaled 7.5”. Big Sandy was close to ¼ mile wide in our pasture.
40 Years Ago
June 18, 1982
- Rain and hail closed highway 96 between Eads and Sugar City. Several railroad ties were washed out of a section of the Missouri Pacific just east of Haswell.
- Kiowa County appeared on the front page of June 11 Western Edition of the Wall Street Journal.
- The Karval Keenagers RSVP group entertained staff and residents at the nursing home.
50 Years Ago
June 23, 1972
- Headline: Great Plains Reservoirs May Be Abandoned by Amity.
- The Board of Directors of the Southeast Colorado Water Conservancy District reviewed 11 written application s for Frying Pan-Arkansas Project Water for a total of 35,750 acre feet.
- Staff Sergeant Carl B. Ritter was judged the top winner in the 1972 U.S. Air Force Worldwide Talent Contest.
75 Years Ago
June 20, 1947
- Some cowboys in the calf roping club have become so good at the art that some heated arguments have resulted. Therefore, in order to settle the difference of opinion, two special events will take place at the local fairgrounds.
100 Years Ago
June 23,1922
- R.E. Jackson has had his teeth removed and is “gumming it.” When his new teeth arrive from Sears Roebuck, he will look like a new man.