About Town – April 5, 2021
Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath”
“but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Is the end of that sentence and how true? A person’s “tone of voice” is so meaningful. A tone can be revealing of love, disgust, or anger. We need to be cautious in our conversations with our children and fellow Americans.
A number of Eads senior citizen’s went to brunch last Thursday in their new center where Gail Voss had set the circular tables in pastel colored table clothes with ceramic Easter bunnies that the ceramic ladies painted for us years ago. Now that has been such legacy for us through the years to enjoy. Gail and some ladies who worked last week to sort and move our belongings also found egg trees and other decorations for our room. Gail prepared biscuits, sausage gravy and French toast casserole with scrambled eggs and bacon that was complemented by all the other tasty fruit dishes and pastries that people brought. We invite men and women (age 55 or more) to come to our noon dinner Wednesday, April 21.
While I was visiting at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center, I was pleased to get to visit with Don McDaniel before he moved to south Texas to live near his daughter and her husband. They also have children and grandchildren that Don is looking forward to enjoying. Some of his fellow Baptists said they are really going to miss him. We surely will miss Don around our tables at the center.
The Good Friday service was hosted at the Eads First Christian Church and officiated by pastors from the community. Reading scriptures were Pastors Mark Imel, Lane and Deborah Gooden, Gail Voss, and Pastor Rich O’ Brian, with Alicia James as pianist and soloist, and hymn leader, Sabrina Dawn James.
Congratulations to Shealynn McCracken of Eads, who recently was awarded her Masters of Science degree in Accounting from Grand Canyon University of Phoenix, Arizona. Currently she works for Lamar Community College.
Our volleyball team traveled to Cheyenne Wells and Flagler last week and also hosted games in Eads on Saturday with Hugo. They are busy teenagers with school and planning for Prom and studies, too.
Saturday afternoon there was a lot of activity around the courthouse lawn as volunteers hid eggs in different sections for age group hunting. There was a large (human) bunny rabbit who didn’t hop away when someone wanted to have photos taken with him. It was such a flurry of anticipation and joyful. Thank you to those who worked together to give our “little ones” happy memories.
For several years, the tall white three crosses have made such a wonderful setting for the community Sunrise Services on Resurrection Sunday. People can park on the cement parking lot of the First Christian Church or the prairie land between the crosses and Mr. and Mrs. Gooden’s garden. Terry Riley and Geleslie King provided FM radio service for those at home or in their cars to listen to watch. What a blessing. Several years ago, when those crosses were erected, I heard that they were the inspiration of Jerry and Pam Wierich. What a legacy they have left for residents and people who drive by to admire them, pray under them, and some take photos in the sunrise. I have seen some splendid photos by Konda Howard on her walks around town. Afterwards the people dispersed to go home or their own churches. I think all of them had some sort of breakfast or brunch. I left before it was over so I could get to breakfast served by the youth at Trinity Lutheran in Kit Carson.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. the Plains Theatre showed documentaries on Genesis and the Red Sea. That took special effort of Terry Riley and volunteers to offer these educational and informative films. The popular Raya and the Last Dragon movie was shown for a second week.
In some places the lawns are beginning to turn green, and some yards have a few daffodils blooming. Linda (Oswald) Harper wrote from Great Bend, Kansas, that their fruit trees are in full bloom and it is really quite pretty there. She and her husband have big gardens, and she is skilled in canning and making jellies and jams. Linda has sent jars in the mail to me. That is another blessing and surprise to open.
One of the former legislators that I appreciate reading his thoughts on politics is Mark Hillman of northern Colorado. He wrote this quote in regard to the PAUSE ACT that could be so detrimental to our farming and ranching economy. “Processing meat when an animal is young and tender is what makes beef, pork, chicken, and turkey TASTE GOOD. By delaying several years to process animals as the PAUSE ACT reads would make it inedible (tough) which is the goal. Of the politicians who proposed this legislation, Mr. Hillman continues: “Yes, PAUSE is an attack on agriculture; it is also a slap in the face to the Colorado consumer.” Readers, this is serious! We people need to let our thoughts be known to the legislators. People we need to do something about this!
The Eads Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednesday at noon at JJ’s restaurant, and the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary will meet Tuesday, April 6, at 11:00 a.m. at JJ’s.