About Town
Mark 12;31 “Thou must love thy neighbor as thyself.” Agape Love
People and guests who attended the 80th Anniversary Service of the Praise Community Church Sunday the l8th enjoyed a joyous service of reminiscing through those years. Geleslie King and Jimmy Brown researched the popular hymns through the eight decades. Then the congregation sang groups of songs with Jimmy narrating the facts about the hymns. Ross Brown, who is an eighth grader, designed a DVD of photos of past years of members, pastors, and happenings. There was a Testimony Service and recognition service of former pastors and friends of the church. Pastor Lane Gooden shared a sermon and closing prayers that was followed by a luncheon. Shelly Myers baked and decorated two cakes for the occasion. Shelly Englehardt’s floral arrangement added to the special event as well as Kathy McCracken’s decorations. Debbie Gooden put a lot of effort and research into making this day a particularly great and happy time for the church family and friends.
Our Lessenden and Spady families are grateful to our friends who have offered condolences and help during this week following the death of my sister-in-law, Bonnie A. (Spady) Lessenden. Dwight had been with her the five months she was hospitalized in six different hospitals. Her children, Travis (Dawnette), Celena (Eli Clark), and Tearle and grandchildren and other relatives grieve their loss of her but are so grateful for all the kind words and acts offered to them during this time. Bonnie was a 4-H Leader and supporter of the FFA program as well as working at Weisbrod Hospital for many years.
Kevin and Marsha Siefkas are settling in their mountain home near Westcliffe but are surely missed around Eads. Kevin was such a kindly, diligent maintenance man for many years around the Weisbrod Hospital facility.
Charlotte Beeson is a woman I admired for many years for the way she always sent greeting cards to nearly everyone she knew, year after year. She has such a beautiful ministry. I didn’t recognize the Parker, Colorado, address, but it was from dear Charlotte and her daughter, Michelle (Michael) Weygandt
The Eads senior citizens certainly enjoyed the corned beef with carrots, cabbage, and potato meal that Gail Voss cooked for us for the monthly lunch meeting. Jo Shoemaker made loaves of a variety of Irish soda bread to compliment the meal. Other guests brought an array of delicious desserts and side dishes. Commissioner Cindy McLoud answered questions and gave an informative report on the future senior citizen’s building that is being renovated across the street. Last Wednesday, the workers were pouring a cement ramp way and finishing setting lower level windows in place.
President Alice Glover invited Nurse Practitioner, Jessica Hyman, of Weisbrod to speak to the group. Jessica was so informative about some programs offered to seniors who just turn 65 years of age. The clinic offers a wellness program where they can examine 65 year old persons and talk to them to make a plan of better health for the person. Jessica also told the group about other services Weisbrod offers. She particularly likes people’s toes and likes to trim nails too. Mrs. Hyman said that she and her husband, Matt, and little girl, Remmi, are happy to be in Eads. Jessica grew up in Springfield and likes small town life.
The Cobblestone Inn conference room was packed for the GOP, Republican, Assembly Thursday evening with 30 delegates from the precincts where they heard nomination speeches and campaign speeches for the following candidates: Tina Adamson, Diana Pearcey Flory for County Treasurer, Cindy McLoud, Andrew McCracken, and Joe Shields for County Commissioner, Casey Sheridan for County Sheriff, Delisa Weeks for Country Clerk and Recorder and for Coroner, Jimmy Brown. District Attorney Josh Vogel spoke for Brett Barkey for State Treasurer.
Residents at Prairie Pines were happy to have two couples from the Mennonite community near Copeland, Kansas, stop by Tuesday noon to sing some hymns for them. They were on their way to Denver to serve in homeless shelters
How nice to read that three high school girls, Aubree Rybacki, Amber Kapasz, and Cynthia Watson joined the Eads baseball team that is made of two Kit Carson boys, T.J. Conaway and David Arnold, and seven Eads boys: Hatch Nelson, Brandon Lening, Aiden Michael, Joe Haase, Trey McDowell, Zach Haase, and Brigden Parker. Their coaches are Chad Rouse, Tyler Rouse, and Preston Courkamp.
Riki (Berry) Cordova would welcome helpers, candies, eggs, for the community Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 31. Thank you, Riki for your enthusiasm.
This is Holy Week. Good Friday Services (Tenabrae) will be at the Eads Baptist Church Friday, March 30, at 6:30 p.m. which is hosted by the Kiowa County Ministerial Fellowship of ministers. There will also be solemn services at 7:00 p.m. at the Lutheran Church and Catholic churches in Kit Carson. Some churches are hosting Resurrection (Easter) breakfasts.
The men and women of the First Christian Church were entertained with separate evening meals last Friday evening. The men met at the church for a meal hosted by Pastor Mark Imel while the ladies went to the parsonage for a fellowship meal hosted by Deb Imel where they watched the movie, “Enough.”
Pam (Brown) Weirich went to Amarillo, Texas, to watch the movie, “I Can Only Imagine.” I heard western singer, Trace Atkins, who is an actor in the movie, telling about it on television. I urge people to watch this outstanding movie when it is in Eads April 13-15.
Happy 70th Birthday to Doug Rouse!