Attention Eads High School classes 1965 and 1966
Hello again!
If you read the local news, you may have seen mention of the Eads High School class of 1961 having a reunion and meeting at the motel Saturday night and you may have wondered, “what about us?” (classes of ‘65 and ‘66) All is well. It has been verified (thank you, Brenda) that we have the room all day Saturday during the Kiowa County fair. Feel free to stop by any time – such as after the parade or after the rodeo– for something cold to drink and something to eat!
If you haven’t already done so, please let me know if you will be able to attend. It will help with the planning. If you can’t make it, we will miss you! But I won’t send further updates. Looking forward to September!
Kas Stewart
Send an email to me at kasdavisson@sbcgobal.net. or contact: Brenda Stoker at 719-438-5834