East End Events - March 24, 2020
I hope and pray that all of you are being able to stay home and take care of yourself during this difficult time. I know that sometimes it seems like overkill, but I really believe they are doing their best to keep all of us safe. Now I believe that it is in God's hands.
Connie Weber was down from Denver last week to spend some time with her parents, Denis and Theresa Weber.
We were sorry to hear that Charlotte Woelk is in the hospital in Colorado Springs. We hope you are feeling better and will be home soon.
The St. Patrick's Day dinner at the senior center in Towner was enjoyed by all that attended.
Barb Wilson, Theresa and Connie Weber and Carol Shalberg celebrated Barb's birthday last Friday with lunch at the home of Carol Shalberg. Happy belated birthday Barb. I would also like to wish a belated happy birthday to Garold Deines and birthday wishes to my dear friend, Cora Coffman, whose birthday is Monday of this week. Speaking of birthdays, I understand the birthday calendars should be out around the April 1.
Trista Pryor's children, Ryker and Reagan, spent last week visiting with Vern and JoAnn Harris and Tammy Harris. A special treat since they were out of school for spring break.
Susan Greenfield went to her sister, Sami's, home last Thursday evening when spring break started. Friday, they took their dad, Norm, to Colorado Springs for his eye check-up. Susan and her dad went back to Sterling Saturday. Susan returned to her home in Towner this past Thursday.
Monte and Linda Stum had three of their grandchildren visit them over the weekend.
Jennifer Wilson spent last week visiting her parents and helping do some odd jobs for them.
The Ladies’ Retreat at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church scheduled for April 3-4 has been cancelled due to the coronavirus scare.
The “donkey basketball game” has been postponed, pending coronavirus mandates and finding a new date that will work.
The Republican County Assembly will be held Saturday, March 28, at 1:00 p.m. via phone. If interested, call Dawn James in Eads for information.
Have a good week.