Meet Local Artist Lillian Penn
By Jeanne Sorensen
Award winning Artist Lillian Penn, known to most as “Lil,” is displaying some of her works at the Eads Town Hall.
Lil has won numerous awards for her paintings throughout Colorado. She says she inherited the talent from her mother. In turn, Lil has passed that talent to her daughters.
Lil was one of the founders of the Artist of the Plains, a group of local talents who work in a variety of media. It all started when Lil, Phyllis McDaniels and Ethel Richards would meet once a week at the Kiowa County Courthouse to sketch and paint. Soon more joined the group and the idea Artist of the Plains was formed. In 2003 the group incorporated as a nonprofit organization and opened a shop on the north end of Eads. Sadly, they disbanded and closed the shop last year.
But that hasn’t stopped Lil from continuing her skills. On her walls are a number of her works and those of her friends and family. On her easel is her current project.
Lil has done a number of paintings of local interest from photos. Occasionally she will create a painting she makes up in her head but still turns out outstanding.
So, whenever you are in Eads stop by Town Hall, 110 W 13th St, to take a look -- some are for sale too!