
Pages from the Past - From our 132-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
August 20, 2004
- About Town- Ida and Doris Lessenden: The people who went to the Community Building to have potluck dinner with the Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians were thrilled to see and hear the dancers and speakers.
- East End events-Lana Weber: Deb Shivers traveled to Florida for a last-minute vacation. She was lucky enough to see the launching of the Atlas rocket being sent to Mercury.
25 Years Ago
August 26, 1994
- Dawna Peck, Deputy Town Clerk for the Town of Eads, has graduated from the Colorado Institute of Municipal Clerks.
- Nursing Home News-LaVerne Fischer: A group gathered on the patio to listen to the music of Tim Hogan and Jerry Jones.
- Kiowa County had the Champion and Reserve Champion in 10 heads of hybrid grain sorghum at the Colorado State Fair.
40 Years Ago
August 24, 1979
- The all-new Jungle Wonder Wild Animal Circus will be coming to Eads. The big top circus, with a giant 80’x150’ tent and seating capacity of 1500, will be setting up at the Kiowa County Fairgrounds.
- From the Sheriff’s Desk-Floyd Griswould: Once again our jail is empty. But I have my doubts it will be empty for long as we have two arrest warrants to fill in the near future.
50 Years Ago
August 22, 1969
- Eighteen years is a long time between one family reunion and the next, but the children of Mr. & Mrs. M.A. Hawk had one this week when they met in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazee. Mrs. Frazee reported instead of having one big dinner, as customary, there is a big dinner every day with the whole family visiting and catching up.