East End Events

By Sharon Scott

A correction to last week's article is in order.  It should have read Estella Christianson instead of Richardson.  Sorry about the mistake, Estella.

"Back to School Night"  was well attended and everyone enjoyed the ice cream and brownies served by the Sheridan Lake 4-H club.

On Saturday, Susan Greenfield went to Pueblo with Tina Kraft and her granddaughter Khylar.  They were celebrating Khylar's 14th birthday.  Happy late birthday, Khylar.


Weather Outlook – the Week Ahead: Brief Warming

By Chris Sorensen

After a couple of cooler days, southeast Colorado will warm up for the early part of the week before another cold front enters the area.

The high temperature Sunday will be in the upper 80s, with little potential for rain.

Low 90s are expected Monday and Tuesday before a cold front entering the area drops temperatures into the 70s for mid-week. Friday and Saturday’s highs will rebound slightly to the low 80s.

Overnight lows are expected to be mainly in the 50s, with Wednesday night dropping to around 50 for the coolest night of the week.


Home Country

Slim Randles

You have to hand it to Windy. When Alphonse “Windy” Wilson chooses to speak, it is a bombastic sampling of creativity. Windy has yet to find a word he can’t make better through his own unique methods.

Well, what got him fired up the other day was a meeting of the ladies of the garden club down at the nursery. Windy’s been helping Dewey with his manure business on the one day a week he spends helping others. Today wasn’t a helper day, but he couldn’t pass up the audience.

They hadn’t gotten through old business when Windy stood, smiled, and spoke.


Pastor’s Pearls

By Pastor Rich Z


“Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13,14


How Not to Get Lost in The Woods

By Chris Parmeter, District Wildlife Manager

Colorado Parks and Wildlife

In the 1980 movie classic, "The Mountain Men", the character Henry Frapp is

questioned by a young green horn: "Haven't you ever been lost?" Frapp scratches

his whiskers and after a recollecting pause, replies, "A fearsome confused for a

month or two… but I ain't ever been lost!"

For the fur trappers, wandering through a vast and unexplored country, "lost"

would have been something of an oxymoron. Not knowing where you were was a


Eads School Breakfast and Lunch Menus


August 22: Waffles, ham, apple juice, V8, milk, peach cup

August 23: Hash browns, toast, sausage, grape juice, V8, milk, orange

August 24: Egg patty, toast, orange juice, V8, milk, fresh fruit

August 25: Ham & cheese omelet, muffin, apple juice, V8, milk, orange


August 22: Fried chicken, macaroni salad, mandarin oranges, milk

August 23: Lasagna, salad, peach cup, garlic bread, milk

August 24: Cheeseburger, pasta salad, apple, milk


83 Percent of State's Corn Crop Remains in 'Good' Or 'Excellent' Condition 

The Colorado corn crop's overall condition continues looking solid, according to a recent USDA report. As of Sunday, 17 percent of Colorado's corn crop was in "excellent" condition; 66 percent was listed as "good;" 14 percent was "fair;" 2 percent was "poor;" and only 1 percent was listed as "very poor."

Additionally, the state's crop is about caught up in terms of how much corn is entering the doughing stage. As of Sunday, 30 percent of the state's crop was in its doughing phase, which is just behind the five-year average of 34 percent. 


Applications Being Accepted for Colorado Corn FFA Grant Program 

For a fourth year, the Colorado Corn Administrative Committee is accepting applications from FFA chapters around the state as part of its Colorado Corn FFA Grant Program. 

The deadline to apply is Nov. 15. 

Be sure to let your local FFA chapters know about this opportunity. The Colorado Corn FFA Grant Program assists FFA chapters in Colorado on projects that lack funding within their school district's budget. 

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