About Town – July 19, 2021
“Perfect love drives out fear.” I John 4:16
A terribly strong windstorm hit Kiowa County July 9. The aftermath left many broken tree branches around Eads, but the east end of the county homes and villages were harder hit. Many photos showed overturned round metal grain bins - and many appeared to be smashed like pop cans - broken wooden structures, trees, electric poles, and crop damage.
Shirley (Harris) Watts was greeted many relatives and friends who celebrated her 80th birthday party with her in the senior center in Eads where her daughter, Connie Richardson, and granddaughter, Jamie, had decorated the rooms beautifully in shades of lavender. Her grandson, Wesley’s, wife decorated a four-layer chocolate cake with real flowers and pretty lavender and pink rose shaped cake tops. It was a delight to see Shirley’s sons and other family members also.
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met for a fried chicken lunch at Prairie Pines, served by Amy Barton and Tristen Sheridan, and prepared by Christina Wolf and her daughter, Anna. Director Brandi Turcotte welcomed the Auxiliary and related some details about the facility. During the meeting, the CEO of the hospital district, Char (Woelk) Korell, informed the members of the many changes in laws and, thus, the functioning of the hospital, extended care unit, and clinic.
Terry Riley presented the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center board with a performance list for the July 31 Maine Street Bash. Five bands and three solo performers will appear on one of two stages between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. There are other exciting plans for various events that day, such as a car and cycle parade and show, inflatable sliders, vendors, fabulous food court, free movies, and games.
The street was lined with cars of friends who attended the reception for LaVerle Kelley at the senior center in Eads, where friends and relatives lovingly greeted her with well wishes and good byes as she leaves to live in a three story assisted living center in Amarillo, Texas, near her daughters, Linnae and Christie, and several great grandchildren. The hostesses, Loretta Seibel, Betty Clark, Donna Owens, Lola Iguo, and Gail Voss, served cake with beverages to guests who came from around the county.
Rex Weirich’s memorial and burial was at the Weirich ranch July 6 following his death last winter. He was the son of Jack and Shirley Weirich.
Bunnie Larrew’s memorial service was held at the Eads Cemetery July 17, followed by a meal at Prairie Pines. Russ Watson catered the main entrée. Bunnie was a former resident at Prairie Pines.
Kolton and Whitlee Specht are having a garage sale at their home on Wansted Street Thursday through Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. I have found this young brother-sister team to be good workers around a home.
Greg Ure’s son, Ryan, was selected by the Texas Rangers baseball team with a second pick in the 16th round of the Major League Baseball draft. He played with the Eaton Reds High School team, where he graduated in 2021. His father, Greg, was an outstanding athlete for Kit Carson.
Our sympathy goes out to Mike and Cindy McLoud and their families following the death of Mike’s father, Bobby Joe Pair, in Oklahoma City. Their families traveled there last week.
Gail Voss and Larry Michael took their little great granddaughter from near Cope up to South Dakota, where they visited her grandparents, Brett and Stephanie Rusher, who live on a large buffalo ranch. They had a great time bumping around the hills and valleys looking at those buffalo herds.
Floyd Griswould celebrated his 85th birthday with a large group of family and friends who came from many states to honor him at the Haswell Community Center Saturday. Wanda Lessenden prepared the meal that her children and her husband, Virgil, served. Following group photos, quilters Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson presented a Quilt of Valor to Floyd, and talked about his military history. Phyllis and Floyd’s daughter, Rhonda Davis, decorated a birthday cake and a cake for her parent’s wedding anniversary. It was heartwarming to see and renew so many friendships of over the last 60 or more years. Their son, Greg, moderated the presentations of the Griswould, Watts, Lessenden reunion.
Congratulations to Dr. Glen Cranford, who has earned his Medical Doctorate degree from an east coast University. His parents, Jon and Konda Howard, and his extended Beeson, Uhland and McKnight families, are especially happy for him.
How exciting that three Eads High School graduates, Zachary Fowler, Brandon Lening, and Hatch Nelson, played in the All-State baseball games in Aurora and Denver.
Congratulations to Jake Barnes and Brandi Turcotte, who were married in Las Vegas while on vacation. Jake is employed with Southeast Colorado Power Association, and Brandi is the director of Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center in Eads.
Brooke Crawford of Kit Carson and Kyle Breth of Oberlin, Kansas, were pleased to have guests coming from many directions to their wedding in McCook, Nebraska, and then to their reception in Oberlin near where they will live. Kyle is an educator, and Brooke is a physical therapist assistant in Norton, Kansas.
Here are some dates for coffee hours: Weisbrod Hospital extended care unit - every Thursday at 9:00 a.m., Prairie Pines - every Friday at 2:00 p.m., senior citizens center in Eads - every first and third Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
Rich and Dianne O’Brian have served as a guest minister two times his summer at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church and the Christian Church in Las Animas. They are such good neighbors on 13th and Kerr Streets in Eads.