About Town – June 15, 2020
Psalm: 92:4 “I sing for joy at what your hands have done.”
Although the scripture above refers to the wonders of God’s creation all about us, my first thought was how friends’ hands have helped me this week with my lawns and trees, by shopping, fixing my power chair, kind notes, the sweet librarians and store clerks, and good neighbors who fetched my mail and deliver my letters to the Post Office. I could write on and on. Many people agree that we feel so blessed to live in a small town. Let us all cooperate to keep it hospitable and a pleasant place to be and live.
There is a glimmer of new hope that our children and youth will be able to play baseball this summer. It would be nice to see the glow of the tall stadium lights again.
Ty Lin Williams is one of the fine photographers in the county. She often takes photos for families, seniors, school events, and windmills under spectacular skyscapes, but her prettiest shots last week were of pink and yellow pear cactus blossoms here in the county.
Roger and Loraine Saffer enjoyed celebrating their little grandson, Jameson’s, first birthday last weekend. What a joy for their family.
The Eads Golf Club hosted a great tournament last weekend for a large number of men and women. I have heard that golfers like to golf at the Eads course. Golfing must have been quite a challenge last Sunday because that was one of those high wind, dusty, days here on the plains. The Eads Golf Club manager, Tom Richards, does a good job of keeping the greens green and tending all the paths and club house.
Public Television recently had a show that revealed a countdown of the favorite books that people voted for. They spanned all eras of time, ending with “To Kill a Mockingbird,” which rather surprised me. However, after I checked the CD out of the Kiowa County Library to watch it, I decided that this film relates to the times we are living through now because many prejudiced emotions are much the same some 70 years later. It should remind us of the inequities and injustices that some people live with. We need to actually do something about this, like evaluate and change our attitudes and prejudices. We have some; most of us do.
Betsy Evans flew to Dallas, Texas, to see her granddaughter, Jessica’s, graduation. Jessica especially likes to raise and show sheep at fairs and exhibitions.
County Extension Agent, Tearle Lessenden, is glad that he can work final with 4-H and FFA members after some barriers of CSU guidelines were relaxed with a page of limitations. He has been assisting them in getting their animals weighed in and ear tagged so they can feed and care for their animals for the fair.
The Salvation Army Store on 12th Street opened Saturday. This store brings in lots of shoppers from other communities, most of whom I observe leaving with big smiles as they carry out their new treasures. There were about 23 big tubs of clothing outside. Raelynn Riley and other clerks handed out sacks to ladies who wanted to pack a sack for $5. What a deal!
Last Saturday was a busier than usual day in Eads with lots of people coming out of quarantine to enjoy the big garage sale at Patty Richardson’s home. Meanwhile out at the fairgrounds, the two-day COVRHA/SCVRHA Prairie Showdown was in action. There were lots of horse trailers and mobile homes parked around the grounds. Under the pavilion, the horse-riding clinics were in progress. The 4-H concession stand was opened, which was nice for these travelers who had paid large fees.
More families are tilling up soil and planting gardens this summer. My friend, Gail Voss, has planted some vegetables and flowers for me to watch grow. Her method of putting an egg, cracked or not, then some soil and then the tomato plant in the pot surely seems to add growth to the tomato. Some of people are restoring or making chicken coops and then ordering baby chicks. People hope to raise the hens to lay eggs. They tell me that these days that the company sends eggs, and by the time they arrive at the post office, the chicks have hatched in the box! One of my young neighbors said with some indignation that last year, “the chick company sent seven roosters! So, when they grew up we ate them.”
Since the clubs and groups I belong to haven’t been able to meet, it seems to be too many months since I have seen my friends. However, the Auxiliaries and Chamber of Commerce communicate by the telephone or internet. Oh, how we miss going to coffee hours at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center and Weisbrod Hospital. We look forward to the time when we can meet for a senior citizen lunch. We are encouraged that some workers have returned to work on the future new center across the street.
Saturday, June 20, friends of Ann Kleiboeker Crowell are invited for a graveside service at 11:00 a.m. at the Kit Carson Cemetery. A gathering will follow at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Be safe, humble and kind, Dear Readers. Shalom!