About Town
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.” Hebrews 13: 16 NEV
Even though there were hurricane-like winds blowing the rain horizontally down Maine Street Friday evening about 6:50 p.m., the Maine Street Bash vendors set up early Saturday morning, July 28. Despite not having any electricity for about 28 hours, most of the plans for the big bash day did happen. That is, thanks to people who loaned generators so that we heard great instrumental and vocal music on stage by our local entertainers: Jamie and Elise Crockett, Jared Weeks, Echo Urie, Alicia James, Mike Art, Rhett Uhland and his two band members. The Denver Band cancelled, but that was okay because there was another storm warning and Terry Riley and Betsy Barnett and CLECE Board members decided this would be safer. The vendors had wonderful items for sale, the food was great, the visiting was fun, and I heard that there were several vehicles parked on Maine with their lights on so people could continue their corn hole tournaments Saturday night. Now that is creative fun! The romantic happening was that Brady Buck of Wray proposed to our Jordan Barnett in the south city park with a number of family members there to enjoy the moments.
John and Dawna Weirich’s children, Doug, Lori Beth (Kyle) Elder, and Daniel Weirich planned a surprise 30thwedding anniversary party for their parents. People were under the tent enjoying wonderful catered foods when Dawna came home from work last Friday. Later the strong winds and rain hit!
There was a large crowd of senior citizens who went to the monthly brunch. They were happy to have to new guests, Paula McMaines, Lexi (Hunter) Uhland’s grandmother, who has moved here from Nevada, and Betty (McKnight) Clark who has moved into her new home on Rittgers Street. When Director Gail Voss announced that Pete Koch and Jerry McDaniel had bought and filled new large salt and pepper shakers, there was a big round of applause. Besides all the pot luck brunch foods that people brought, Gail made burritos with green chili and black bean salsa.
Bob Schecter took good photos of Eads football players, Trevor Randel and Trey McDowell, who were selected to play in the Colorado State All State Football game in Hugo.
Franci Cain formerly of Haswell hosted a party for the 96th birthday of her father, John A. Stavely, where he lives in the Bent County Health Care Center. She makes frequent trips to Rocky Ford to visit her mother, Elda, also.
A large group of people attended church in the Haswell United Methodist church recently for the worship service and to witness the baptism of Sloan Ophilia Sagner who is the daughter of Maurice and Dally Jo (Lessenden) Sagner of Eads.
Our community extends our sympathy to the families of two ladies from Wild Horse, Billie Lafferty and Yvonne Shallenberger, who died last month. Also to the Weisdorfer family who lost Selma Louise (Hoffman) McCrary of Eads last week. Her husband, Marvin, lives in the country and she enjoyed her daily visits with him and her brother, Danny Weisdorfer, of Eads.
Penny Ann (Larrew) Bowmaster's memorial service was Sunday, August 5, at the Eads Cemetery. Penny who was a 1969 graduate of Eads high lived in Arkansas many years.
Another person who was important to me and citizens of Kit Carson, was David Batchelor of Denver, who died last week. He and his wife, Elaine, ran the Stage Stop Motel on Highway 287. Dave was from Wales and England and had been in five wars in the Queen’s army.
Dr. Lenderts did such a perfect job of placing all those stitches down Don McCoin’s nose, his forehead, and whole cheek that were smashed when he fell a month ago. Last
Week this dear World War II veteran, who is in his 90s, looked really good and was grateful to Dr. Lenderts for taking such good care of him, and of course his wife, Esther.
Rick and Koy Glover were happy to have their daughter, Chelsea Higgins, and three children visit from Iowa last week. They and grandmother, Alice Glover ,and others went to Fort Morgan for Chevaun and Josh Hammer’s baby, Ellie Mae’s, first birthday party.
Our prairies and most lawns have been brown brown since last October, but Sunday, when we drove toward Kit Carson, Haswell, and Lamar, the prairies turned green already!
When the Eads Chamber of Commerce met last Wednesday, they firmed up plans for the annual fair breakfasts Thursday and Friday, September 6-7. Brandon Hoffman is stepping up to take leadership of the equipment. One of the biggest needs is for other volunteers to help. John Courkamp told me that they need people who can start cracking eggs about 5:00 a.m. Steve Baxter and other court house employees will set up the hot beverages, and President Dennis Pearson will get the bacon, pancake mix, and other supplies. The Chamber really does appreciate donations because these days it costs about $3.00 a plate to serve.
The terrible hail in broke the north side windows of the Lutheran church and many homes in Kit Carson. One baseball-sized stone went through Barry and Suzette Koch’s roof of their country home. The windshields, metal siding, and whole vehicles were really pounded in a stretch through middle eastern Kiowa County through to Texas.
We compliment the Kiowa County Press for printing so many good photos of the storm damage from the turbulent wind storm.