Kiowa County 4-H Clubs’ April 2021 Reports
Reporter Report from 4-H Council April 2021 Meeting:
Kiowa County 4-H Council held the regular meeting on April 5,2021. President Chase Stolzenberger, Vice President Alexa Nelson, Treasurer Katherine Trosper, Secretary Clayton Nelson, reporter Gaige Rittgers, leader advisors Jodi Stolzenberger and Melissa Jones, extension agent Tearle Lessenden, and administrative assistant Krystal Eikenberg were present. Pledges were led by Gaige and Katherine. Minutes from October 2020 was approved. Approval of minutes from February meeting were tabled. Katherine gave treasurers report and approval of bills was held. Clayton gave report on jackets for council, a motion was approved for council to pay $50 of the jackets for the council members. Donation letters for the awards was discussed. Council members approved a motion for the letters to be hand delivered by council and club members. 2021 Exhibit Day theme was approved. This year the theme will be 4-H is More Than Ribbons and Awards. Both the add/drop deadline and the Big R Partnership applications are on April 15th. The next council meeting will be on June 7, 2021 and all 4-H members are welcomed to attend.
Gaige Rittgers, 4-H Council Reporter
Reporter Report from April 2021 Meeting:
There was no meeting held, as the Club enjoyed a fun day out. They went bowling in Lamar.
Wesly Fehr, Sheridan Lake Livewires Reporter
Reporter Report from Prairie Queen April 2021 Meeting:
The Prairie Queen 4H Club meet on April 18, 2021 at the Eads Community Building. The Club did role call, pledges and talked about the upcoming concession for the riding club. Stolzenberger’s said that they would work the concession stand. The meeting was adjourned. Travis Taylor the CSU extension Agent from Yuma County came to do a presentation about what to look for in picking out an animal for the fair. He also talked about how to care for the animals to make sure that they have the possible chance of becoming a winner in their show.
Katherine Trosper, Prairie Queen Reporter
Prairie Queen Cloverbud Report
The Prairie Queen Cloverbuds meet April 18, 2021 at the Eads Community Building. The group learned how to make cookies from cake mix. The group also learned about duck eggs and that you can cook with them. The cookies turned out good. The clover buds also learned about making soap. They were shown different ways that they could make soup. The soap that they made was jelly soap in the colors of pink, yellow and Orange. The Soap was scented with pink Lemonade. They were placed into different shape molds. The kids had a fun time.
Katherine Trosper, Prairie Queen Reporter